Chapter Thirty: Just As Everything Was Good, Who Knew It Could Be Better?

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I can hear the clamours and exclaims from all around the table. And then, Harry and Ginny stand up. It's time.

Harry's P.O.V
I am nervous. Hermione looks excited but this isn't the news she wants to hear.

I take a deep breath in and just say it. "Me and Ginny are having some time apart for a while. We still love each other more that anything in the whole world but I have some news and I think it was too big a secret to keep. I have been receiving death threats and-"

Ginny interrupts me "He is having you on guys, we are getting married at the end of the week! I couldn't be more excited and there is a lot of planning to do but Hermione will be my maid of honour and mum and Luna bridesmaids with Hope as a flower girl. Harry's best men will be Ron and Draco and Dad will carry Hope down the aisle. George will be the officiating!"

She sits down and I slowly follow. Everything is happening in slow motion around me and I can see people's hands smacking together as they clap and the slow, loud ringing noise of the hands tapping together.

I don't know what to say. We finish the meal and me and Ginny are the first ones to go home.

"Ginny, what was that about. I thought you wanted out!"

She slumps down onto the sofa and pats the seat next to her. I sit down and she explains.

"When you were saying about big secrets, I had to stop you. Because it is true. You shouldn't keep secrets in a partnership, especially not big ones, and it made me realise that I have been keeping a huge secret from you, and I don't think that it should ruin our relationship, so I am going to just come out with it. I am pregnant!"

I just look at Ginny and everything spins and goes black.


Harry, cradling a baby in his arms. A ginger haired girl struts over to him and takes the baby out his arms and the house is overrun by death eaters. They couldn't kill him all those years ago, so they have to try it now. It could work.


I come around and Ginny is crouching by my side, clutching a glass of water as she worriedly strokes my hair.

I sit up and probably too quickly as stars appear in my eyes. I look at Ginny and smile. "I can't believe your pregnant!" I gasp.

She smiles back at me and we go upstairs to get ready for bed.

Hermiones P.O.V
What just happened? Harry was telling the truth but Ginny stopped him. She still wants him, and I am going to find out why. Why does she want to get married even though he has a death threat?

Then I realise. I realise that even the though he might die, as long as she loves him enough then it's worth a risk. Because, no matter what anybody else says, love makes you forget everything that ever happened to you and the other person, you forget all your worries that you have and no matter what those worries are, of you want that life with that person then you will do anything to keep them.

That is what love is. What true love is. What me and Draco are. What Harry and Ginny are. What Molly and Arthur are. What everyone deserves. What George needs.

George's P.O.V
All I can do is stare. I only get a glimpse o what a perfect life looks like and I can't help but notice that it's all I have ever wanted. Ginny and Harry are getting married, Hermione has a baby with her boyfriend who has asked my permission to propose, mum and dad are happy as ever, Ron has gotten with his soulmate.

And then there is me. I lost my twin brother to Voldemort, who may or may not be back again, the love of my life left me in the battle, and all I want is Hermione, but I can't have her. Can I?

Ginnys P.O.V
I had to forgive Harry. Because, secrets are a huge thing in life, and sometimes, you have to keep a secret to protect another and although it's not nice to find out they have been keeping secrets, it's reassuring to know that they did it to protect you.

That's what I love about Harry. He can make you smile at your saddest moments, he can pick you up at your weakest point, he can hug you at your lonliest, and he can comfort you at your poorliest. He is perfect husband material, and he is going to be the perfect father.

"I love you, Harry!" I look back on the past few years and man have we had it tough. However, everytime something bad happened, we kept our relationship at a happy point and that has allowed us to power through and defeat all of the problems we had.

We knew that with everything around us falling apart, our relationship would have done the same, so we worked hard to keep it going, and now we are on the brink of marriage with a baby on the way.

I couldn't be happier.

Hermiones P.O.V

Me and Draco appetite home with Hope and when we get there, we put her in her crib and flip on the sofa.

Draco turns to me and clutches hold of my hands.

"Look, Hermione..... I have to talk to you"

Oh no!

Draco's P.O.V
I see Hermiones face drop. She looks crestfallen.

"It's nothing bad. Actually, it's the opposite. Seeing how happy Harry and Ginny are made me think. Think about what we have. I know we haven't been together as long as they have, but I know that we have what they do. True love. It shows in the fact that we can read each others minds and there is nothing I want more than to spend the rest of my life with you and Hope. So, Hermione Jean Granger, will you marry me?"

The next few seconds while she processes that information is the longest 5 seconds of my whole life.

"Yes. Yes I will marry you, Draco!"

I push the run into her finger and lean in to kiss her.

All was well.

An// thankyou for all the reads, I appreciate it so much! Leave a vote and a comment if you enjoyed it and suggest any ideas that you want me to use in my stories!

C xxx

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