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Hi everyone,

I just wanted to thank you all for your endless support and love on my story, we are almost at 50k reads, I never thought we would be this far so Thank you all so much!

I just wanted to say that all ideas in this book come from me, my friends and occasionally I will get an idea of a quote from a film! I understand that this fan fiction won't be to everyone's taste and it seems a bit sinister!

The reason for the endless amount of drama is mostly to raise awareness about issues that people face on a daily basis, such as sexual abuse, kidnapping, physical and mental abuse, mental health issues and also death! I understand that not everyone is gonna read about it, however I do put disclaimers at the start of potential trigger warning chapters so it is up to the readers to listen to that and chose wether to read on!

I haven't had any hate for it as of yet but with getting more reads I decided to write this disclaimer just to state the reasons I put these issues in my book! I in no way feel like this, however my inbox is always open for anyone who does.

I am so grateful for the support I get from my family and friends in both my writing and my day to day life, I couldn't ask for anyone better and I want to share that love with any of you that might not have it!

Please, message me whenever you feel the need to talk to someone, I am up at stupid hours in the morning so will likely get it!

So, the reason for including such raw topics is to raise awareness that this does happen to people all over the world on a daily basis and I wanted to help in any way I could so I am raising awareness in the topic through my book!

Thankyou all so much for reading and supporting me, and I know I don't need to explain myself because my support and comments have been nothing but lovely and caring, however I felt I wanted to make this disclaimer just so people might understand my book a bit more and why I choose to put all of these topics into it!

I also wanted to say again that my inbox is always open, I am non judgemental and will support anyone who needs it!

Thankyou for reading


C xxx

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