Chapter Fourty-Two: Acting normal

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I just look at him, baffled. All of things happened. I wasn't here to see my baby sister get married. And it was all his fault.

"Look, harry, we cant let dean live after all he has done. We can't. Do you want to help?"

Fred's P.O.V
I look at him awaiting an answer. Is he going to help me? Is he going to help me get my revenge? Am I going to be able to get payback for all of the horrible things he did to me and all of the stuff he prevented me from seeing.

"Please,Harry, for Ginny? If not for me then for her? For both of you! For your marriage. Please?"

He looks at me and I see something tweak in him. He is in.

We start to discuss a plan.

"We pretend to forgive him. We let him and George talk. We keep up the charade for a couple of weeks. Then we attack! We go out for a meal. George and I, we go to the bathroom and Dean surely follows. You stay there to "keep our table". Then, whilst we are gone, you can put this in his drink."

I hand Harry a little capsule.

"It's a slow working poison. He won't know he has consumed it and it will slowly kill him.  He will be ill for two weeks and then suddenly die. Please, Harry, it's the only way to eradicate the threat without completely killing George. Please? Please?"

Harry's P.O.V
I have never heared Fred so desperate as he is! I need to help him! There is nothing I wouldn't do to Dean, after the issue with Ginny! He needs to be brought to justice! I need to help.

"Yes, Fred, I will help you! We need to save George from himself! We need to make sure he doesn't become another one of Deans victims."

So, we enforce the plan. We are going to act normal. For a few weeks. Then, our plan is going to play.

Normal. We can do normal, right?

But what is normal? Everybody's normal is different! It can be talking too fast. It can be not talking. It can be fidgeting. It can be not keeping eye contact. It can be breathing heavily. It can be not breathing enough. It can be anything, and everyone is different.

Someone might look sad and be the happiest person ever to walk the planet.

Everyone reacts to things different, and that's okay. That's the way the world works.

George's P.O.V
Does he not realise? Does my so called twin not realise that the mind reading works both ways? Does he not realise that I can hear him plotting? I wish he would just speak to me. I wish he would ask me myself if I could be a bit reliant in trust. Of course I am. I'm not bloody stupid! Like come on!! I don't know if he knows that all of this is a prank...... my best yet if you ask me!!

I just want to feel normal again! I want everything to go back to how it was. Fred is alive. It's possible. I just need to maintain my relationship with him. We need to stay close because otherwise what's the point? What is the point in playing a prank to fall out with him. I have to tell him, before he does something stupid! Oh, and I think the aurors could do with a hand in arresting dean, again. Or, can we actually rehabilitate him. We will see.

For now though, we all have to act normal. Keep up the lie. Dean doesn't need to know. Of course Fred actually does know. Plot twist, am I right. I am in on it. But we have to stage a fight. Keep up the lie. I need my revenge. He destroyed me, my brother, Ginny. He won't get away with it again.

That's that.

An:// plot twist guys, George isn't gay and he is pretending. If anyone had any ships for him comment below! Thankyou for 65k reads, it means a lot. Sorry the chapter is short, I have more coming soon though and I really am going to get back into posting again. Thanks so much!

C xxx

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