Chapter Ten: Death And Diamonds

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That's when I loose it. I have been so good all week. But the thought of Harry and Ginny never being able to do this ever again kills me inside. I will never see harry or his body ever again. I start to cry. Ron kisses me, and I stop crying eventually. He understands though. Then we fall asleep in each others arms.

Ginnys P.O.V
I wake up, and for the first time in ages, I get changed and brush my hair. I then go downstairs to the kitchen. I think mine and George's chat helped, plus I think I need to eat again. I pour myself a bowl of cereal and sit at the table to eat it.

My mum comes downstairs at 9 am but by that time I have cleaned the whole kitchen because it was a pigsty. I look over to her and can feel the shock radiating of her face. And it is that look that does it. I'm telling them. Today.

I am in a good mood today, even though the longing and pain for Harry is still there. But I am a lot better than I was. When George comes down he looks at me and smile because it was his words that gave me the power to carry on. I can't thank him enough

Ron's P.O.V
When I wake up in the morning, I see that Hermione is still asleep so I decide to make her breakfast. Just as I start to make it, an owl appears at the window. It is a note telling us to go over for dinner later as we have exiting news. I look at who signed it. Ginny. She is up and about and is OK again. I send an owl back and start the breakfast.

When the breakfast is done, I put it on the table and go and get Hermione. It is a really nice set up for breakfast because I have something to do.

We sit down at the table and start to eat normally when I break the silence. I need to do this now. It can't wait. It will come as a total shock to her, and some good news in the mist of bad news will be brilliant for her.

"I have put so much thought into this. I have been completely stuck for ages on where to take you. But, after a lot of thought, this is our home, and some food cooked by me, and it was perfect. Harry once told me that there was no point changing myself for someone. So, Hermione Jean Granger, will you do me the honour of becoming my wife" I say, pulling out a ring and getting down on one knee.

*time skip to 4:30pm*
Ginnys P.O.V
I am preparing the vegetables for tea when I hear a knock at the door. I run to open it and see Ron and Hermione stood there beaming at me. I give them both a huge hug and invite them in.

When all the vegetables are done, I go into the lounge to join them and hear them whispering to each other. "when do you think we should tell them the news?" asked Hermione swiftly. "At dinner," Ron replied with a grunt. They looked up and saw me there, and instantly they had guilt etched on their faces. I won't push it because I have my news too and don't want to pressure them.

*later that day at dinner*
Mollys P.O.V
We are all sat around the table with a lovely roast in front of us prepared by Ginny, who is evidently feeling loads better. We all tuck in and halfway through the meal, Ron and Hermione stand up.

Ron's P.O.V
We are halfway through the meal and I decide now is the time. I give Hermione's hand an encouraging squeeze and that is the que. We both stand up and I clear my throat.

"Me and Ron have some good news to share with you all. You may think it is too soon but to us it felt right. As if this part of us was missing. We are engaged!" Hermione shares, showing of her diamond ring. I saved for ages to buy that.

*time skip to later that day before bed*
Ginnys P.O.V.
Everyone was congratulating Ron and Hermione on their engagement earlier. I got a bit sad for a moment because I will never be married, but I got over it. I couldn't tell them today. Not after this news. I miss Harry now. He would tell me what to do. He would tell me he loved me. How will they react when they find out I'm pregnant...

An// thankyou for reading this chapter. I hope you enjoyed. Vote and comment as usual. Give me any ideas and add to your reading list.

C xxx

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