Chapter Thirty-One: The Big Day Is Almost Here

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I push the ring into her finger and lean in to kiss her.

All was well.

Hermiones P.O.V
I gasp in excitement and lean into Draco's kiss. My soulmate has just asked me to marry him. Nothing bad has happened in a while and it's going to stay that way. It has to.

Just as things are about to go too far my phone rings.

I pick it up "hello?"

Draco's P.O.V

I see Hermiones face fall. She hangs up the phone.

"It was Harry!" She said "he said he needs to speak to us urgently and he sounded worried. We need to go, now."

I grab Draco's hand and we apperate to Harry's house, hope in his arm.

Harry sighs with relief as he sees us. ". Look, I can't be long as Ginny is in the shower. I need some advice. You know when I ended up in hospital after Ron punched me?"

I nod but Draco looks shocked so I give him an "I will explain later" look and he nods too.

"Well," Harry continues "I have just found out that the reason I was so bad with it is because there is a cyst in my brain that sometimes delays my body healing, and I am slightly worried, with death threats in toll, a wedding around the corner and a-...never Mind" he cuts off.

I don't even worry about the cut off. I am struggling to process this information. My brother has a cyst in his brain. "Tell Ginny. It's all you can do. With a wedding coming up you can't destroy your trust straight away because she won't want to marry you. You share everything now, including the bad stuff!"

He walks over and gives me a huge hug. He knows I am right and he knows that I want what is best for him. For both of them.

We hear the door upstairs open and that's Draco, Hope and I's excuse to leave. We apperate back home and put hope to bed.

Harry's P.O.V
I look at Ginny as she majestically struts downstairs, hair in a towel. She always says her hair dries silkier naturally so I leave her to it.

I am sat on the sofa twiddling my thumbs. She can see that I need to talk because she plonks down next to me, grabs my hand and says "spill."

I explain everything to her, about the cyst and it effecting me and she just stares at me. I have just destroyed her world.

Then, something shocking happens. She stands up and looks me in my eyes. "Harry, lets take you to St.Mungos , we can see if they will operate on it and remove it. Anyway, at least we know why you almost died when you were punched. Ron will be over the moon that there is finally an explanation."

She grabs hold of me and we apperate to the hospital. She struts over to the reception desk and requests to see a nurse. As soon as they see me, they fufil the request. I hate this. Yes it is helpful because I get medical attention but in the streets people stop me, all because I survived when I was a baby. So did Hermione. Where is her praise?

I tell them that I want to wait in line, and they give me a weird look but agree and I tell Ginny that if she needs to go and do anything, she can.

She looks at me and sighs. "I am not going anywhere. I love you and we are in this together. I am proud of you for standing for what you believe in and not letting them serve you straight away."

So we sit there for 1.5 hours and wait to be seen by a nurse.

Hermiones P.O.V
We have just tucked Hope into bed and got her to sleep. I look at the ring that is glimmering on my finger. Harry didn't notice. My own brother didn't realise that I was engaged. Oh well, he was in a bit of trouble. We will announce it when Harry is better.

I go and have a shower because my hair is greasy and I am going to Harry's wedding tomorrow. As minister of magic I only got 3 weeks off but I chose to go back sooner because I was missing work and we have the ability for me to take hope with me to work.

Although, it will be the day after tomorrow that I go back and I would have lost head auror for a while.

Harry's P.O.V
They have got a surgery slot for two weeks time. I have my wedding, my honeymoon and then my surgery. I instantly agree to the slot because I can't afford not to.

Me and Ginny apperate home and go straight to sleep ready for tomorrow.

Tomorrow is the day. The day my life changes. The day I become happy. The first day of the rest of my life. Because tomorrow is the day. The day I marry my soul mate.

An//: hello everybody,
I hope you all had a magical Christmas and sorry I haven't uploaded. Thankyou for reading and if you enjoyed it leave a vote and a comment and tell me what ideas you had. Thankyou for all the support. We have reached 17k reads and I am so grateful for every single one of them. Thankyou all.

C xxx

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