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Crystal's pov

March 18th

Gigi: hey, I know it's a little last minute but do you guys want to hangout tonight?

Jan: sure

Jaida: I've got nothing better to do

Gigi: oh shut up 🙄

Jaida: 😘

Crystal: I'm actually hanging out with Daya right now, but you guys can join us if you want.

Gigi: are you sure she wouldn't mind?

Crystal: she said it's fine

Jaida: what's ur address?

Gigi: I can pick you and Jan up

Jan: okay

Gigi: leaving now

Crystal: see you guys soon <3

"So are they coming?" Daya shouts to me from in my living room.

"Yeah." I shout back. I grab two bottles of lemonade and the chips and walk back to the living room. I toss a bottle to Daya and flop down on my huge beanbag chair.

"Thanks." She says handing me a switch controller.

"Mario kart?" I ask. She nods and scrolls through my games to find it. We play a few rounds and she wins every time, making sure to rub it in too. We're on our fifth race when there's a knock at the door. Daya quickly pauses the game and goes to the door. She opens the door and Jan walks in taking in her surroundings.

"You have a cool house Crystal." Jan says sitting on the couch. Jaida and Gigi walk in behind her.

"We're playing Mario kart." Daya says sitting back down. She was eyeing Gigi just like I thought she would. Although she promised not to say anything since Gigi did apologize, to me at least.

"There's two more controllers, you guys can take turns or we can do something else." I say grabbing the extra controllers.

"I'll play." Jaida says grabbing a controller.

"Jan can play." Gigi says. I hand the last controller to Jan and we start a new game.  We play a couple times, finishing so far ahead of Jan she rarely got to finish the races.

"I'm going to go get more drinks do you guys want some?" I ask trying to get up from the beanbag.

"I'll take a lemonade." Jan says grabbing my arm and helping me up.

"Me too." Jaida says.

"I can just come with you." Gigi says standing up. I smile at her and ignore the look Daya gives me. We walk into the kitchen and Gigi wonders over to our picture wall. I watch her out of the corner of my eye as she slowly looks at all the pictures.

"Find anything interesting?" I ask with a laugh.

"You were such a cute kid." She responds not looking at me.

"I'm not cute anymore?" I say pretending to be upset. She just laughs in response. I place five lemonades on the island and grab a pack of Oreos. I place them next to the lemonade and walk over to where Gigi was.

"Is that your mom?" She asks pointing at a picture.

"Yeah, it's from when she was in highschool." I say smiling at the picture.

"You look just like her." Gigi says looking at me and then back at the picture.

"What's the hold up?" Daya says coming into the kitchen.

"We're looking at pictures." I say.

"Just wanted to make sure you guys weren't making out." Daya says grabbing three of the lemonades.

"No making out I promise." I say holding up my pinkie.

"Uh huh, I got my eyes on you two." Daya says giving us the stink eye before leaving to go back to the living room.

"Sorry about her, she thinks there's something going on between us." I say turning back to the picture wall.

"Weird." Gigi laughs. "Maybe we should get back out there so I can see you lose again."

"Says you, you're not even playing." I say grabbing the lemonades. She laughs and grabs the Oreos, I follow her back into the living room trying not to look at how nice her legs looked in the blue mini skirt she was wearing. We played for a while, Jaida and Daya playfully cussing each other out when they don't win. Jan still barely  knowing how to play and Gigi silently watching.

"I think we should probably get going, I don't want to miss my curfew." Gigi says walking towards the door.

"Okay, I'll see you guys at school." I smile picking up Jaida and Jan's controllers. They all wave goodbye as the close the door and I turn back to the tv.

"Well that was interesting." Daya says switching the game.

"Yeah it was, what are your thoughts?"

"Jaida is cool as fuck, Jan is annoying but sweet, and Gigi is just eh." Daya says.

"Really? I agree with the first two but Gigi is definitely not just eh."

"Of course you would say that, but she didn't say a word to me. Plus the first time I met her was awful." Daya says rolling her eyes.

"She was probably scared to talk to you I mean the first time she met you you cussed her out." I laugh. Daya laughs too kicking my beanbag chair.

"I guess I am kind of intimidating."

"You're coming to the next party with us." I say.

"aw is Gigi gonna make me a shirt too?"
She says pouting and batting her eyelashes.

"Shut up!" I say grabbing a pillow and throwing it at her. She laughs picking it up and throwing it back.

"You're an idiot" she smiles, "am I sleeping over?"

"Obviously." I smile back.

"You better not let Gigi take my place." She says seriously.

"I would never let that happen I promise."

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