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*Crystal's pov*

March 12th
    Today was not my best day, my hair looked awful, I was late to school, and Gigi hasn't acknowledged me at all. Which I don't know why it was bothering me, but it was.

I walked behind Jaida and Jan as they walked to Jan's locker after second period. They were talking about some boy she was obsessed with. When we got to Jan's locker, I saw Gigi and that girl Adore talking across the hallway.

"Who is that again?" I say out loud, making Jan perk up as I pointed across the hall to Adore.  Jan knew everything about everyone, i've learned that she's pretty good at knowing shit in the little time I've been here.

"Adore Delano. 17, crazy but hot. As of last summer, shes bisexual, and her older brother died when she was 12" Jan says, breathlessly.

"Sad" I reply while pulling out my phone. I look her up on instagram and scroll through her pictures. I see the other girls from the cafe yesterday on their instagrams, so I quickly learned their names. I was interrupted by Jaida who bumped me with her arm to get my attention.

"Here we go" Jan says sighing as she takes a step back Violet walking towards us.

"Hey Jaida" Violet says nicely, Jaida returns her greeting with a smile. Violet was stunning, she had black hair that looked almost natural, and her body was perfect. She looked like the average L.A rich girl.

"What's up Violet?" Jan says with a higher voice.

"I Just wanted to formally introduce myself to the new girl" She says making eye contact with me. I look up at her and smile.

"I'm crystal" I say trying to sound as calm as possible, hoping to make it seem like yesterday didn't happen.

"I'm Violet" She replies looking me up and down. "What's the deal, are you gay too?" She asks. It feels like a smack in the face but I keep it together.

"What the hell Violet, you cant just ask people that" Jan says defensively.

"It was just a question" she says automatically, looking at me smiling. "Anyway, party at my house tomorrow night. Around 11, look decent" she says, looking at Jan.

"And no kids allowed" she says with a fake frown. Jan rolls her eyes.

"Then I guess we won't be seeing you there" I say under my breath, which only Jaida heard. Violet walks away, and Jaida starts to laugh.

"Girl, do not try it" Jaida says when Violet is out of range. "She could ruin anyone's life in seconds."

"What does that even mean?" I ask, as she continued to laugh.

"Shes done it before. She can spread rumors so fast, everyone in L.A will believe her and give you shit for it by the end of the day." Jan says to me, as we start walking again.

"Hey guys" I hear behind us, as we walk to the lunch room.

"Hey slut" Jaida says to Gigi as she catches up next to her.

"Violet's party, what are we wearing" Gigi asks.

"Ooh, good question" Jan says, getting excited. We finally get outside and sit at a table.

"I picked the theme last time, so it's up to you guys" Gigi says as she sits next to me and across from Jaida. It was weird how normal she was acting.

"What theme? For what?" I ask feeling out of the loop.

"We always go to parties together, our group" Jan says. " and whenever we go we all dress alike, so everyone knows we're together".

"Or who not to mess with" Jaida says laughing at her own joke.

"Like the last one we did outer-space" Gigi says, finally making eye contact with me.

"I was the cutest fucking alien" Jaida interjects.

"It would be weird if we didn't do it, everyone loves it" Jan says finally.

"That sounds so cool" I reply, because it really was. It just reminded me how much I don't fit in, and how Im always going to be the new friend.

"Yes. So theme ladies, let's hear some ideas" Gigi says, turning her attention back to Jaida and Jan.

It was nice to know that Gigi didn't care at all about defending me. Which made me realize, I shouldn't be upset about it. I don't know why I expected her to stick up for the new girl in her friend group she's had since freshman year.

"What about Neon?" Jan suggests.

"My fit was neon green last time, it will look like a repeat" Jaida says, gunning down her idea.

"What about Denim?" I say, and they all look at me.

"Oh my god" Jan says getting excited.

"Wait stop that would be so fucking cute" Jaida says to Gigi.

Gigi smiles at Jaida and loses it when she looks at me. Maybe she did feel guilty about yesterday, but she was pretty good at hiding it.

"I have the cutest jean jacket" Jan says happily.

"So we're doing it?" Jaida asks.

"Hell yes" Gigi says excitedly. She seemed to be pretty into parties and fashion, so I pretended to be excited too.

"Okay we'll text in the groupchat and coordinate tonight" Gigi says getting up. "I gotta run, love ya". She walks away before we could say bye, and meets up with Violet and Adore. Jaida shakes her head and pulls out her phone.

"I'll add you" she says simply. I smile and look back at Gigi and Violet walking away.

So Gigi is the bitch of the friend group. I definitely had my money on it being Jaida though.

I shrugged the thought off, because I finally felt kind of accepted and included for once since i've been here. It was nice to have a friend group. They all seemed pretty comfortable around me. So, I wondered when I could be comfortable around them too. Hopefully it was soon, because being someone you're not is more exhausting than Jan's rants.

walk me home // crygiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora