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*Crystal's POV*

April 2nd

"Crystal!" Jaida yells as I approach our normal table in lunch. Jan, Jaida, Gigi and Naomi were already there and staring at me as I walk up.

"What's up?" I say confused as I sat down, while they were all still weirdly staring at me.

"Gigi has tea to spill but. she wanted to wait for your slow ass to get here" Jaida says before looking back at Gigi. I roll my eyes and smile. We all turn to Gigi who has a big smile on her face.

"So I was at the fabric store, getting stuff for me and Crystal's art project" Gigi starts, looking at all of us as she talks.
Jan was practically jumping out of her seat in excitement, which made me laugh to myself. I loved the way Jan loved gossip.

"I was totally minding my business and was like leaving to pay when fucking Violet comes up behind me", she says excitedly which earns confused looks from everyone, including me.

"Yeah, she basically just apologized for posting that picture and that she didn't want me to hate her. Which wasn't even the weirdest part".

"Wait pause, was she like, stalking you or something? How did she know you were there?" Jan asks, trying to soak up every detail she possibly could.

"Violet sits behind us in art class, she probably heard you talk about it" I interject for Gigi.

"Yeah I guess, whatever" she says, continuing her story. "I went outside to see her sobbing in her car. Like full on sobbing, I was stunned". Everyone's jaws drop, and Naomi loudly gasps. I look around slightly confused. Was it this surprising of Violet to show basic human emotions?

"Wow" is all Jaida said after a moment of silence, and Gigi responded with a nod. Naomi's mouth was still hung open.

"Um, why is this so surprising? I know she's a bitch but i'm confused" I ask.

"I've known Violet since we were 3, and I have never seen her shed a tear" Naomi says flatly.

"That's so funny I totally thought she was a psychopath" Jaida jokes.

"I heard she didn't even cry at her mom's funeral" Jan whispers with wide eyes.

"I don't know, I wasn't allowed to go to that. She's always been weird with feelings, unless they were with Chad" Naomi says matter of factly. "I don't even wanna know the stuff he has seen".

I've only ever seen Violet in her true bitchy form. She doesn't seem like a sensitive person whatsoever, which made me wonder how her and Chad even worked. I didn't have much time to think about it because there were more important things to talk about than Violet and her issues.

"So in lighter and more fun news, Daya's birthday is in four days" I start, getting all 4 of them to turn to me. "So welcome to the planning committee, because I need help".

Jaida and Jan squeal in excitement while Gigi scoots closer to me and flashes one of her signature bright smiles. Which immediately made me nervous.

"Bitch I fucking love birthday parties" Jaida exclaims making me laugh.

"I fucking love planning parties" Jan finishes for her.

"Daya is turning 18, so it's kind of a big one. She wants to go out, and we have to keep track of prices for her mom, but we have no budget" I say, which makes them even more excited. As I am talking, all I can feel is how close Gigi is to me on my right and how pretty she looks today.
It's frustrating.

"We could go bowling?" Jan suggests, which Gigi shoots down the idea before I could.

"Daya isn't boring we cant do something boring" Gigi says simply. "What about ice skating? Or roller skating? That could be fun" she finishes.

"No wait she would actually love that. We used to go roller skating a lot as kids" I reply smiling.

My heart flips as she smiles in excitement, proud of herself. I'm glad she's liking living with Daya, and I'm equally as happy that they are all excited to help with her party. I obviously know how cool my best friend is, but sometimes people are thrown off by the eyeliner and the intimidating attitude. It's always just been us, so I'm glad other people are seeing her for the good and really cool person that she is.

"Oh my god wait" Naomi says, pulling out her phone. "There's a really cool place by UCLA, its an arcade, rollerrink, a bunch of other shit. It's huge and its really nice". She passes her phone to Gigi to show us pictures of the place Gigi leans even closer into me and swipes through the pictures, nodding in excitement.

"This looks so fun" Gigi says earning more squeals from Jan.

"It's perfect" I say in agreement. Gigi hands Naomi her phone back an she immediately starts typing. I give her the date and we work out a time. The place has food that Daya wouldn't hate, all we would have to do is reserve tables, get our own cake and pay for skates.

"We could probably get a discount, I have some connections there" Naomi says smiling.

"Ooh who?" Jan asks, making me and Gigi both roll our eyes. Of course she had to know.

"Chad works there. And thats where Adore met Mike" Naomi replies.
I feel Gigi shift next to me and she looks down at her lap for quick moment. It made me think back to the night of the party, when Violet posted that photo of us on instagram. Gigi was so upset over Adore leading her on, or whatever she was doing. At first the thought made me angry, before it immediately turned to anxiousness.

Did Gigi still like her? That obviously made her kind of upset, does she still care?
Ugh fuck. I hope not.

Every time I hang out with Gigi, I get more and more nervous around her as I become aware of my feelings. Since I realized I had a huge crush on her, I keep looking forward to the next time I see her whenever I leave her. Which is why the idea of her still being into Adore is making me regret getting my hopes up.

I turn to Gigi while the four talk about what they want to do for decorations for the party.

"Do you want to hang out and plan more of Daya's party? I have to come see Daya's mom anyway to tell her about it" I say softly. Her face lights up with a smile.

"I would love that" She replies, making my stomach flip with either excitement or more nervousness.

"I made a group chat. We can talk more about it tonight and send out an invite later" Naomi says. "Chad says he will work it and swing us a discount. Ill send you his number so you can give the deets to your mom".

"I'm so fucking excited" Jaida yells.

I'm really glad they agreed to help,
and even more excited for this party.
The bell rings signaling the end of lunch, and we all get up and say bye.

"See you later" Gigi says smiling, and I wave back.

I feel my cheeks warm up as I pull out my phone and text Chad.

Crystal: Hey, its Crystal. Heard you have discounts for me?

He texts me back immediately.

Chad: Well of course. Anything for Daya.

Chad: I mean you, anything for you

Chad:  :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2022 ⏰

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