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Gigi's pov

March 13th

The second I got home I went up to my room to finish my outfit for tonight. My phone bings with a text from Jaida in the group chat.

Jaida: so, everyone have their looks together?

Jan: yes!! I'm so excited!

Crystal: I have a skirt and some boots but idk what to do for my top.

I look over at my pile of fabric. I thrifted a couple pairs of jeans and definitely had enough left over to make a second top.

Gigi: I could make you one, there's still enough time.

Crystal: it's fine, I wouldn't want you to waste your time helping me.

Jaida: woah, u good crystal?

Crystal: yeah it's nothing

Jan: good! I don't want any fighting tonight it's gonna be so fun

Gigi: can't wait!

I turn my phone off and get back to work. I only had a few stitches left on my top before I could move on to Crystal's. I couldn't think of anything else to make it up to her so I wanted to make it anyway. I felt bad for not sticking up for her and for not apologizing yesterday when I had the chance.


Gigi: you guys can just come up to my room when you get here I'm not finished my makeup.

Jan: we're going to be late

Jaida: that's better than being early

A couple minutes later there's a knock at my door.

"Come in!" I say from my vanity. Jan walks in followed by Jaida and Crystal.

"Wow you really aren't done your makeup huh?" Jaida laughs sitting on my bed. Jan sits too leaving Crystal alone standing by the door. She was wearing a black t-shirt that didn't match the rest of us.

"You can sit Crystal." I say putting on eyeliner.

"I'm fine thanks" She says crossing her legs.

"What is up with you two?" Jaida says pointing at us. I look at her then at Crystal before walking over to my closet. I slide it open and pull out the shirt I made for her.

"This is for you," I say handing it to her, "if you don't like it you don't have to wear it."

"That's so cute!" Jan says standing up to get a closer look.

"Yeah it is kinda cute." Crystal says with a slight smile.

"You and Gigi would match." Jan says grabbing the shirt and holding it up. "You're so talented Gigi."

"You can get changed in the bathroom it's right down the hall." I say pointing.

"Thanks." Crystal says smiling at me.

"It's the least I could do." I smile back. She walks out of the room and I turn back to my makeup. I finish my second eye and add some lipgloss when crystal walks back in.

"Wow you look so good Crystal." Jan says.

"You really do." I smile grabbing my purse. "You guys ready?"

"Yeah let's go." Jaida says standing up.


We park in Violet's huge driveway and walk up to her house. Our heels sounded loud smacking against the stone driveway. It was quite a walk from where we parked but you could already hear the music blasting from inside. When we got to the door we were greeted by the butler who pointed us in the direction of the party. Half of the people were outback and half were inside.

"Jan an I are going to grab drinks are you guys okay?" Jaida asks. I shrug and look at Crystal.

"Yeah we're fine." Crystal says with a smile.

"Brb." Jan yells pulling Jaida towards the bar.

"So about the other day." Crystal says trailing off. I look at her and smile not knowing what to respond.

"No, it's fine I get it, you wanted to look cool in front of the popular girls. I don't know why I thought you'd stick up for me we're not even friends." She says her cheeks turning pink.

"No Crystal we are friends, I'm sorry, I know I should have stuck up for you and your friend I feel horrible." I say holding her shoulder.

"Heyyy bitch!" Naomi says drunkenly falling on me.

"Naomi Hi, I was trying to talk to-" I say looking around.

"Talk to who?" Naomi asks. I looked around again to see Crystal walking away.

"Give me one second I'll be right back." I say starting to follow Crystal.

"Leave her." Violet says jumping into the conversation. "For someone you aren't friends with you seem a little close."

"Come on we're smoking upstairs." Naomi says grabbing my hand. I sigh and follow her up the steps and into Violets room. Aquaria and Adore are laying on her bed on their phones.

"Omg there you are babe!" Adore shouts sitting up.

"Hey." I say trying to shake off what happened downstairs.

"Come sit with me." Adore says pouting, she was obviously already fucked up. I walk over and she pulls me onto her lap. She wraps her arms around me and rests her head on my shoulder.

"This is going to be so fun!" Aquaria shouts. I nod along in agreement but my mind wanders back to Crystal. All I really wanted to do right now was finish apologizing but instead I was here hanging out with the people she hated, and for a good reason too. I wanted her to like me but the way things keep turning out I'm not sure she ever will. I'm snapped back to reality when Naomi passes me the blunt, which I gladly take. Anything to stop my mind from spiraling.

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