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Crystal's pov

March 20th

"Hey, it's Crystal right?" A guy says blocking my view of Gigi across the room.

"Um- yeah hey." I say looking up.

"Almost didn't recognize you with your hair like that." Chad says pulling on a curl.

"Did I give you permission to touch my hair?" I ask raising my eyebrow.

"Sorry ma'am I won't let it happen again." He says sarcastically bowing.

"Good." I laugh.

"Um, hello?" Daya says from next to me looking confused.

"Oh sorry, Daya this is Chad, Chad this is Daya." I say.

"Oh hey, so you're the girl that cussed out Violet." He laughs holding out his hand. "Nice to meet you."

"Aren't you guys still dating?" I ask confused.

"You're dating Violet? That's sad, you're cute, you should have higher standards." Daya says.

"All I heard was you think I'm cute?" Chad smirks.

"Ew, okay I'm going to go find Gigi, you two weirdos have fun." I say grabbing my water and walking away. I wonder around for a few minutes trying to find Gigi. I search every room downstairs and even check the bathroom. It was so far away from the main party it was almost quiet.

"Looking for someone?" Someone asks from behind me. I turn around startled to find Aquaria.

"No." I say trying to walk past her only to be blocked by her arm.

"You don't belong here." Aquaria spits.

"Last time I checked this is Naomi's party so you tell her to come find me herself if she has a problem." I say trying to move around her again. She blocks me with her whole body and shoves me backwards. I was extremely taken aback I hadn't realized Aquaria was a fighter.

"You need to stay away from Gigi." Aquaria says trying to muster up the meanest face she could.

"Why? Are you Jealous?" I say starting to get angry.

"Jealous of some wannabe lesbian? Never." Aquaria says turning to walk away. I try to bite my tongue but my emotions get the best of me.

"Fuck you too bitch!" I yell, not my best if I'm being honest. She immediately stops and slowly turns back around. She gives me a look I didn't think she was capable of.

"That was a bad idea." She warns me before flipping her hair over her shoulder and walking away. I stand there stunned trying to figure out what to do when a tall girl stumbles down the hallway with a boy almost knocking me over. They push past me towards the bathroom.

"Hey you in line?" The guy asks pulling away from the girl. I realized the girl was Adore and my mouth dropped down in shock. I quickly move out of the way and they go at it again basically falling into the bathroom. I walk back out into the living-room and there's still no sign of Gigi I was starting to get worried. I see Daya and Chad sitting together on the couch and Jaida across the room dancing with Naomi. I walk towards the dance floor hoping one of them know where Gigi was.

"Hey! Have you guys seen Gigi?" I yell over the blasting music.

"In my room!" Naomi yells back pointing up. I smile at them and walk towards the steps. Once I'm upstairs I open multiple doors before finding one that's locked. I knock and wait for a response praying to god that it was the right door and that I wasn't interrupting a hookup. After a minute there's no answer so I knock again.

"Go away!" Gigi yells her voice cracking.

"It's Crystal." I say. I wait and nothing happens. "Don't make me pick this lock Gigi." I hear a single laugh and the lock clicks a few seconds later. I slip into the room slowly closing the door behind me. Gigi was laying curled up in a ball facing away from the door. I sit on the edge of the bed facing her waiting for her to say something.

"I thought- I saw Adore making out with some guy, I thought she liked me back." She sniffles turning her head to face me. Her eyes were puffy and her bright 80's makeup was smeared all over her face. I reflexively smooth her hair and scoot closer to her. Seeing her like this was heartbreaking.

"I'm sorry." I say grabbing her hand. She flips over to face me and places her head on my lap. I scoot down on the bed and lie down pulling her closer to me. She rests her head on my chest not letting go of my hand. She sniffles again and buries her face into my neck.

"Thank you." She whispers so quietly I barely hear her. I rub her back with my free hand and lay my head on hers.


I wake up when the light is turned on above us. Naomi drunkenly stumbles into the room shaking my arm even though I'm already awake.

"You have to go Violet is looking for you." Naomi says looking concerned. Gigi stirs next to me and I shush Naomi.

"What time is it?" I whisper.

"Uhhh 1am." Naomi says after checking her phone.

"What's going on?" Gigi says sitting up rubbing her eyes.

"Nothing, just go back to sleep it's okay." I smile at her.

"It's definitely not okay, I don't think I've ever seen Violet that mad." Naomi says to me.

"What happened with Violet?" Gigi asks looking at me worried.

"I didn't do anything to Violet, I don't know." I say with a shrug. A second later Violet walks into the room followed by Aquaria.

God not this again.

"Wow all my favorite people in one room!" Violet smiles. Without thinking about it I move my body in front of Gigi.

"Aw trying to protect your lesbian lover again?" Aquaria says sarcastically.

"Come on guys." Naomi says standing up. Violet turns to Naomi with an evil smile.

"It was nice of you to try and warn them, but I already have everything I need." Violet says with a look that sends chills down my spine.

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