Chapter 4

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"No way!" Andrew Shaw yelled at the TV. "No way that would've went in in real life." It was an off day so most of the guys came over to hang out. Shaw and Debrincat were playing NHL, Toews was hanging around them and most of the other guys were watching a different hockey game on the TV in the other room.

I walked over to the TV with the Xbox and sat next to Debrincat who was beating Shaw by 5 goals.

"This shit is so fake." Andrew was getting mad the game.

"Have you been talking to him?" Jonathan asked, the two other boys were too focused on the game to listen to our conversation.

"We've been FaceTiming a lot." I said. Jonathan rolled his eyes.

"I'm not doing this now Jon." I stood up and walked to the other room. A pile of guys were huddled around the TV, yelling every once in awhile.

"Who's playing?" I tried to look around them to see the teams.

"Boston and Toronto." Corey Crawford said not removing his eyes from the TV.

My heart sank at the word "Toronto"

"Move. Let me see." I pushed some guys to the side and made my way up to the front so I could see.

The Leafs were down 2-4 in the 3rd. With 7 minutes left Auston scored making the game 3-4.

"Yess!" I cheered. The guys around me looked at me like I was crazy.

"Why are you cheering for him? He needs to stop getting points if we want Kaner to be the point leader." Brent Seabrook said.

"Oh yeah I know.." I awkwardly responded. "It was just a nice goal."

The game ended 3-4 the Leafs weren't able to get that last goal. I texted Auston after.

'Good goal ;)'

It took him a few minutes but he responded.

'You were watching?'

'Most of the guys are over at my place right now. They hated watching you score'

'As long as you liked it :)'

'Of course I did'

"Why're you smiling so much?" Dylan Strome sat next to me in the kitchen.

"Nothing, just happy it was an off day and we're all hanging out." I said putting down my phone.

"Yeah and you're hanging in here alone." He moved his arm around to show the empty kitchen. I looked across the room and I could see Patrick eyeing us.

"You're right. Let's go." I pulled him over to the Xbox TV where all of the guys began an NHL tournament.

'I miss you. I wish we were playing in Chicago all the time.'

'I miss you too. Mitch too.'

"Okay, you three against you three." Debrincat was deciding out the teams. "Then you three against those three." He pointed at me, Dylan, and Andrew to be a team.

"I'm not good at this." I said to Dylan and Andrew.

"You'll be better than Shawzy, trust me." Dylan said making sure he was loud enough for Andrew to hear.

"Fuck off, you look like you're 12." Andrew said to Dylan which caused a lot of laughs out of everyone.

My team was the first to get eliminated. It ended in Patrick, Jonathan, and Alex winning. I posted a picture to Instagram.

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