Chapter 14

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Katelyn's POV

We got home so late that we could barely keep our eyes open. Patrick asked if I wanted to come back to his place but I told him to drop me off at my apartment. Once he pulled up, I could see the regret on his face. This place was dangerous to be living in.

"Call me when you wake up." Patrick said I stepped out of his car.

I nodded and told him goodnight as I walked up to my small apartment. As I laid in bed I checked my phone to see a text from Auston.

'Everything seems so crazy right now. I know what I did was wrong and I will do anything to make it up to you. I'm sorry'

I debated whether I should text back or not.

'We can be friends. Nothing else for now.'

That text hurt to send. When I was with Auston, I was the happiest I've ever been. I want a relationship with him more than anything but I also want a man who cares about me. I don't want a relationship where hockey comes first.


I woke up to knocking on my door. I opened it to see Patrick standing there.

"This place is nice." He obviously lied.

I smiled at him knowing he was just trying to be nice. "I worked hard for it." Although it is shitty, I'm proud of what I accomplished while I had no one.

"Do you want to move back?" He asked.

I stood quietly for a few seconds. I'd love to move back with him, there was always something exciting going on there. However, I don't want to use Patrick anymore and I don't want to hold him back from anything.

"Look, everything I said about you using me wasn't true at all. It's so quiet and lonely without you and none of the guys seem to come around because it's boring now. I want you to come back." He interrupted my thoughts.

"I guess." I shyly said. He helped me pack my stuff and drove me back to his place. Home.

I opened my old bedroom door to see that my room hasn't changed. I expected it be used but there was no form of it ever being used.

I heard the doorbell ring so I quickly walked to go see who it was. I opened the door to see a bouquet of flowers laying by the doorstep. I picked them up to see a note stuffed in between the flowers.

'I promise to always be there -Auston'

Katelynkane: Thank u to my secret admirer <3

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Katelynkane: Thank u to my secret admirer <3

Austonmatthews: <3

Just then the front door opened to reveal a face of the person I have yet to make up with. Jonathan.

Jonathan stood at the door way shyly not knowing how to react. I smiled at him to let him know it was okay.

"So we good?" Jonathan smiled. I laughed at him and nodded my head as a response. "Okay but seriously I am so sorry. It was so hard for me to kick you out like that."

"It's okay I understand everything now. Patrick blackmailed you." I said.

"I'll make it up to you, I promise." He said as he stepped more into the house to approach me.

"Don't worry about it." I said as he began to hug me.

"Who got flowers?" Patrick asked picking up the bouquet of flowers to examine the note. He looked at me with a small smirk. "These are going in the garbage." He joked.

"Okay I know you don't like him, but last night I told him we're only friends." I said to him.

"I just want you to be happy. I was worried he was going to hurt you so I tried to avoid it happening as much as possible. Whatever you choose, I just ask that you tell us the truth." He said.

I nodded at him. "I will."


I waited at the locker room for the boys to come out. They won 5-2 against the Minnesota Wild. Patrick did not hold back this game, he got 3 points making him and Auston tied in points. It felt nice to be back waiting for the boys after a game considering I haven't seen any of them in so long.

"You're back." Dylan Strome said as he walked out. "Did you go on vacation or something?"

"Yeah something like that." I smiled back at him. It wasn't worth letting all of our drama get around the locker room.

"We're on break now, party tonight?" He asked.

"I'll see what Patrick wants to do but you know you're always invited over." I said.

Just then Jonathan walked out of the locker room. "It's so refreshing seeing you here again."

We waited for Patrick and drove back to our apartment. Slowly, most of the guys came back to our place. I finally feel like I'm at home again.

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