♔𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚞𝚎: 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚖 𝙾𝚏 𝙺𝚎𝚢𝚜♔

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« 𝚈/𝙽 »

A small smile crept onto your face, as you heard the bell chime. This was probably the first time you've ever been excited about class. Your grade was going to get visited by a sorcerer - one of the only ones left to be specific- rumors claim that he has the head of a goat, the body of a tiger and harbours great power! Quite the dramatic image but would the real deal be quite as impressuve?

"Hey," (Y/BF/N) greeted with a nod. They had just joined you in the hallway as you made your way to the classroom together. Upon entering the both of you quickly took your seats and curiously eyed the creature floating in front of the chalkboard. They didn't have a goat's head nor a tiger's body, just a huge hollow skull with multiple horns attached to it and three perfectly round circles carved into the boney structure.

"Spooky," You whispered, earning a chuckle from your friend.

A huge cape engulfed the sorcerer's body, hiding it from sight. "Settle down, please!" The teacher shot a few strict glares at some of the chatting students until everyone was silent. "As announced, we have a visitor today!" A few students cheered sarcastically making the poor woman sigh.

"He's going to teach you something about the only magical matter you carry within yourselves and I'm...going to take a coffee break," She muttered and grabbed her keys. "Please, behave while I'm gone, the sorcerer is in charge now," With that, she left. "Don't you have a name? Are you just the sorcerer?" A small boy yelled through the room getting nothing in return. The wizard ignored him in favour of picking up a piece of chalk. Well, the chalk just started floating, but that was probably his doing.

After spelling out 'K E Y S' on the board the 'mouth-hole' of the sorcerer formed into something that can only be described as an attempted smile. "Well, hello students! Your teacher already told you that we will be talking about magic," The hovering item circled around the board. "I'm sure you've already heard of it; finding your soulmate, your one true love, or best friend, the only person who'll ever understand you."

A snapping sound echoed through the room and the walls practically faded away. Now, everybody was floating in a glowing, blue, and purple abyss. Naturally, freaked out, you tried to hold onto your best friend.

"Alright...welcome to the abyss, a far more suitable setting for our lesson." The three voices emitting from his skull all started chuckling at different times, creating a creepy mess of laughter. "Don't worry I won't let you float away," He promised.

Another snap echoed through the wide nothingness and an illusion unfolded right before your eyes. The blinding light soon morphed into two men smiling at each other. Your classmates were enthralled.

"These, kids, are the two wizards who created the keys. Quite a touching love story actually. It all started off with one of them trying to prove his love to the other," One of the wizards dematerialised again to form a desk the other wizard sat at, he had a concentrated expression, as he meticulously worked on different sketches. "It was one of these," Once again the illusion shifted, this time both wizards were gone and a single gorgeously crafted golden key, decorated with multiple blue gems was levitating before them.

"His lover filled with happiness decided he wanted to share his joy with everyone! That resulted in the rest of humanity receiving their own keys. Basically you can use the key on any door to instantly turn it into a portal to your soulmate! Your gateway is going to be connected to the door closest to your soulmate, you gotta hope they don't live in a cave or fifty miles away from civilisation!"

Was...was that a joke? He said it so seriously. A few nervous pity-giggles erupted from the class. For such a serious-looking being he was quite giddy.

"So, someday you're going to find your key!", You shot a glance to your best friend who was already smiling brightly.
"You heard that? Told you soulmates exist!" They stuck their tongue out to you. "I wonder when I'm going to find mine, geez I hope they're cute," You shook your head gently and giggled. "Probably not as cute as you," You finger-gunned, resulting in a disgusted glance from them. "Did you forget your lunch money again or why are you being so nice?"

« 𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚞𝚎: 𝙴𝚗𝚍 »
--❥ 𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 767

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