“Is our hair down or...?” Ash started pulling out some of her makeup and brushes.

“Yep down for the first half and high pony for the second” Leah replied.

“Okay thanks girls! Where are the costumes?” Elise pointed to the colourful rack, we thanked them once again and moved over to the sparkly costumes. 

“Okay here we go, Na Na Na, Up All Night, What Makes you Beautiful and Tell Me a Lie” Ash handed me a black dress with bright pink sequins, it looks amazing!

“They look awesome, I’ll go to the bathroom to change, I’ll get the other later” I called as I made my way to the wooden door with ‘Ladies’ carved in it. I started to undress when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

Completely stuff up the first dance.


This was getting so old. Like I’m ruining my chances of dancing on the tour, right okay mysterious stalker person. So instead I yelled out a loud “NO”

I felt pretty satisfied, it was time I stood up for myself, did I look like some puppet?

“Um.. Mia? You okay...?” I heard Elise from the other side of the door. Shit.

“Um yeah! Here do you want the toilet? I’m done anyway, just need to do my make-up okay bye!” I rushed out not even letting Elise give me an answer. 

“Miaaaaaaa” I heard a loud voice call

“Louiiiiiiiisssssss” I beamed as he picked me up with his embrace.

“I missed you” he whispered as he put me back onto the floor, he wasn’t that much taller than me.

“I missed you too” I avoided eye contact and felt my cheeks go red, I loved this feeling. He pulled me into a kiss and I gladly kissed him back.

“Okay guys, sorry to interrupt but Mia, you need to put your make up on” Ash dragged me away.

“Aw Ashy” Louis pouted as the distance between us grew wider.

“Love you Lou” he laughed at his face and plonked me on the high stool.

“Foundation” she asked me

“Check” I pulled it out of my cosmetic purse.

“Blue eye shadow”


“Eyeliner and mascara?”

“Red lipstick?” 




“We have 10 minutes, shut your eyes and don’t squirm” Ash instructed, she was all for punctual timing.

*Harry’s POV*

“Louiiiiiiissssss” I heard Mia beautiful voice, she should be saying my name... I should be the one picking her up and spinning her round, oh and a kiss, really, right now? 

I stormed over to our dressing room where the other three already were. Zayn was getting his ‘man makeup’ done and Niall was changing his shirt. Liam was on his phone, probably tweeting. I sat on the stool at one of the two available tables, next to Zayn and plonked my red Nike bag on the floor, fairly hard.

“Haz you okay?” Zayn put his arm on my shoulder.

“Not really, hangover but whatever, the show must go on” I groaned sarcastically.

“Okay, well if you need me I’m always here” Zayn was such a great guy, it felt good knowing that someone was there for me.

“Thanks man” I gave him a brief smile and started pulling out my things for today.

*Louis’ POV*

I watched Mia be dragged away by the cake faced Ash to the dancers area. I made my way over to the snack table to grab an apple and then over to the dressing room I shared with the boys. Harry wasn’t talking to me, I had a pretty big idea why. Zayn was just chilling with Niall and Liam was buttoning up his checked shirt.

“Today going to be so long” Niall groaned, “They better have quality food”

“Stop being such a diva” I laughed at him. I could Harry try to hide a smile at my comment. He was trying to keep a stern face and avoid me but I wasn’t going to make that easy. Zayn got up to sit in front of the mirror and started playing at his hair.

“You look fine Zayn, I’m sure the mirror is starting to get sick of your face” I joked. Harry’s hand was now covering his mouth, he still wasn’t facing me but he was trying so hard not to laugh.

“Styles I’m sure you’ve finished undoing the buttons on that shirt..” I was tryign to crack him.

“Oh um, yeah, well I need some water” he swiftly went out the door leaving the rest of us looking at eachother confused.

“He’ll talk to you sooner or later mate, just give him some time to get it through his head” Liam nudged me knowing exactly what I was trying to do and followed Harry.

*Ashvina’s POV*

And 5,6,7,8” Mia called to the rest of the dances, we were doing a brief rehearsal before the actual rehearsal. Our troupe glided and spun in different directions, 3 of us landing into splits while the others did a russian cannon behind them. Elise, Mia and I did a triple pirouette and ended in a pose with perfect timing with the others. 

“We nailed it!” Leah panted, getting up from the splits, the rest of us cheered and calmed down a bit.

“These boys are such diva’s, we all were here on time and they have made us 15 minutes late” Mia’s fanned herself down. We all nodded in agreement and just sat and talked for a bit. It was nice having friends who knew exactly how much you loved dancing.

“Okay girls the boys are finally ready, get ready for Na Na Na” Elena instructed from the front of stage. We made our way up to side stage and when instructed, moved to positions.

We’re like Na Na Na” Zayn’s voice filled the arena, cuing us to start the cannon. I still hadn’t talked to him. I was so upset, I hadn’t told anyone though, Liam said he would talk to Zayn but.. I don’t know if that’s already happened or if not, it was worrying.

We make up and we break up all the time..”  I prepared for the three Jettés at the side of the stage. On cue, I glided across the stage, Maggie going in opposite direction. Perfect.

*Mia's POV*

The text message kept going through my head, what if someone was planning for me to stuff up. I had to focus! I could lose my job! Okay just pirouette, tilt and slide, ready Mia, okay go. I started preparation and 1 and 2 and 3 woah, no don’t wobble, left foot, kick up right and woah!

“Are you okay?” Elise whispered, continuing to tilt, I was on the ground but no one had realised. MIA FOCUS!

“Yeah, I think” I got back up and continued like nothing happened. This is what ‘xo’ wanted. The didn’t even have to do anything, she or he, is inside my head.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2012 ⏰

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