Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

After having a ride in the elevator and saying bye to Carla for the night, we explored our room, which was massive! “Oh my god Mia! Look we have separate bathrooms!” Ashvina was running around like a mad person. “And there’s an ipod dock! Ooh balcony!!” I just had to laugh, it was pretty entertaining.

 I walked over to the balcony, “Oh wow.” I was in a daze, the view was amazing, breathtaking. “When I do have my first kiss, I hope it’ll be somewhere as magical as this” I could tell she was thinking of Zayn, it was pretty funny since we hadn’t met him yet. But secretly, I wished the same thing. When I do have my first kiss, I want it to be perfect. “We have 6 weeks Mia, we have to make that happen, we have to get at least one kiss on this holiday.” It sounded pretty funny but she was being serious. “I know” I agreed without thinking, something that I happen to do a lot.

“Like it?” Liams head was popping through the door, his perfect face smiling.
“LOVE IT!” Ashvina squealed, taking another look around.

“It’s amazing.” I said taking it all in, and it truly was.

“Would you girls like to unpack or would you like or meet the rest of the lads?” He said so casually but by the look on Ashvina’s face, I could tell she was thinking the same thing as me, “c-can you please repeat that” I said so quietly, I was nearly whispering. “Follow me” he answered cheekily. “ NO WAIT!” Ashvina called when we were just about to step out of the door. “ We need to change!” she looked at me. She was right, we looked like homeless people. “oh god yes! we look like bugs.” I took a look at myself in the full length mirror beside me. “You’re both gorgeous, but if you really want to shower-” “PLEASE” I interrupted, it was pretty embarrassing that we’d already met Liam looking like this. “Oh alright, here’s my number, just give a call when your ready and I’ll come down to meet the others” he stated scribbling on the notepad on the coffee table. “Thanks, we won’t be long” I said after he handed it to me. “No it’s alright, you girls should relax a little, we know what it’s like to fly for ages. After all, it’s 6am, I’m sure the other boys aren’t even ready yet, we have the whole weekend off so we have plenty of time to spend together. Just call whenever, I’ll have my phone on me.” He said as he disappeared through the door. “You can go first, I’ll relax for a little and unpack” I told Ashvina while I walked over to my purple suitcase “Thank you!” she grabbed her baseball jacket, skinny jeans and toiletries bag and rushed in. 

I put my ipod in the dock and pressed shuffle. Of course ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ starts playing. So I start singing along while unpacking my stuff. After 10 minutes of dancing around the room, Ashvina came out, she looked gorgeous, she’d straightened her dark brown hair and her outfit reminded me so much of Zayn. 

“You like?” she tried using a french accent. 

“You looking amazayn” I winked. 

“I love you, you should wear the red skinny jeans! You look so good in them! Please!” she was actually begging me ... 

“Haha okay, but I won’t wear the stripes, or the guys might think we’re both weird” 

“Alright, but wear the converse too” She called from the bedroom. I took my stuff and locked the door behind me, I was right, I did look like a mess so I had a quick shower, straightned my hair and pinned the front back. I put my bright red jeans on with an old t-shirt and checked flannel shirt over the top. I put a bit of mascara but nothing else, Ashvina and I weren’t like that. I stepped out of the bathroom and saw Ashvina on her phone. 

“Woah, looking hot Bergles” she said as she saw me walk through the bedroom door, that made me laugh, she sounded so funny. 

“Haha thank you, should I call Liam or?” 

“Wait we should probably do something first.” 


She closed the window, made sure the door was shut, looked around and let out a massive scream.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” i nearly went deaf, but I had to join in.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” we were screaming together, like two mental teenagers, which we were.

“That felt good” Ashvina shrugged

“Finally, I’ve been waiting to let that out” I said walking over to the window to air the room out again, for 13˚C, it was pretty stuffy.

“Okay go ahead and call, I’ll go get my bag, want me to get yours?”

“Sure, yes please!” I called as Ashvina made her way to the kitchen.

I picked up my phone and the piece of paper Liam had scribbled down his number.

“Hey Liam, it’s Mia, we’re ready if you wanna come get us” I smiled when I realised I was calling Liam Payne.

“Hello, took your time didn’t you” he joked

“Oh give us a break, we need our ‘relaxation time’” 

“Haha okay, but I’m pretty sure I heard someone scream, did you murder Ashvina or something?”

“Another girl thing hehe” I tried acting innocent, just to add to the effect.

“I’m not convinced, but anyway i’ll be there in 30 seconds” and he hung up. Wait 30 seconds? he must be just down the hall. As soon as I came to that realisation, I ran up to Ashvina, “He’ll be here in less than a minute!” “WHAT?!” she ran up to the mirror to fix those small things she worries about. I ended up doing the same.

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