Chapter 31

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*Chapter 31*

*On the way to Zayn’s*

*Ashvina’s POV*

We were lucky that we still had some money left, only $100 though. We had changed into some trackies and singlets and packed everything that was ours and wasn’t damaged. After going through some final things with the police we headed out to the lobby where a taxi was waiting to take us to Zayn’s.

“How am I going to get to Peri now?” Mia slumped in the taxi seat.

“When’s the next flight thats available?” I tried sounding helpful but I didn’t want her to leave.

“In a month” she buried her face in her hands and started crying.

I leaned over and hugged her til she calmed down a little. I felt so sorry for her, someone was trying to ruin her life, well that’s all I could think of after seeing that message on our window.

“I swear, when we find out who this bitch is-” I tried making her laugh, but I was serious at the same time, if someone was going to hurt Mia, they would have to go through me.

“No, Ash, you have to promise me, you will stay out of this. I can’t let you do this” she warned me, which only made me more worried.

“You can’t tell me that and expect me to not try help you” I pointed out.

“Just don’t! Just stay out of it! I can’t afford to loose anyone else!” she yelled in my face. I knew she was trying to protect me but this idiot was hurting her, I said I would stay out, for now.

We got out of the cab and payed the driver the $18.

“Zayn!” I called from outside under the balcony as we got our bags from the boot of the car.

“Are you girls okay?” Zayn rushed down coming to help.

“Worst day to get broken into” Mia groaned as she pulled a heavy bag out of the taxi.

“Here, let me help you” Harry came out of no where and took the bag.

“Oh hey, what are you doing here?” I smiled.

“Oh um, I was just at home and Zayn told me you guys were coming over so I thought maybe we could make this a little fun?” he shrugged and smiled.

“Slumber partaaaaay” Zayn squealed like a 5 year old. Which made the 3 of us burst into laughter.

I walked up with Zayn as Mia and Harry followed. Hopefully things were about to lighten up..

Same Mistakes.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat