Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

*In London*

“We have now landed in London. Temperature outside is 11˚C and clearing, it is now 4:05am. Hope you enjoyed your flight, please remember to take all belongings and have a nice time in the UK”

“Mia, wake up, we’re here!” Ashvina shook me gently “MIAAAA!” okay now not so gently. “okay okay, I’m up” I probably looked like a mess but I didn’t care, we were in London. And meeting One Direction TOMORROW!

“This is going to be amazing.” Ashvina said after getting off the plane.

“ Definitely” I agreed.

We found Carla, Ashvina’s aunty at the Arrivals gate.

“Carlaaa!!!” We yelled, it was nice to see her face for real instead of seeing it while we talked on skype. “Girls! It’s so nice to see your faces for real!” I think she just read my mind ..

“Thank you so much for everything!” Ashvina beamed.

“For what hun, I haven’t done anything yet!” Her british accent was amazing!


“Not yet” she winked.

 Right at that moment a black limo, rolled up outside the window.

“Get your bags girls, I have a quick surprise for you.” she walked over to the limo while we turned around confused and walked over to our bags. As we were walking to the luxurious  black car, Ashvina and I tried guessing what was about to happen. Was there going to be a hot tub in the limo? were we going to a amazing hotel? was the car stacked with money?

“Hello Ladies, let me get those for you, my names Gerald, I’ll be your private driver while your in London.” “OUR OWN DRIVER?!” we squealed like 5 year olds. “Get in girls!” Carla called from the front seat. 

We stepped in, it was amazing. I didn’t think a car could be this big. “I SEE SOFT DRINKS” Ashvina jumped in, I followed pretty quickly 

“May I have some?” a male voice said behind us, he had a british accent. “Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. OH MY GOOODDDDD!” Ashvina dropped her plastic cup which luckily had nothing in it yet. “YO, YOU, YOU’RREEEE LI, LIA, LIAAAAMMM!!!!!” she screamed, I was standing there, shocked, my mouth must’ve nearly been hitting the ground. He must’ve thought we looked like idiots but he chuckled, which was quite cute.

“Yes, I’m Liam, Carla was right, your both beautiful” I thought I was going to melt from his hotness. I can’t believe Liam Payne was talking to us, and it wasn’t just a quick ‘hi’ , he was actually trying to make conversation and he called us beautiful! “You girls alright?” we must’ve looked like we freaks to him, we’d just been on a 23 hour flight, we were defiantly sleep deprived, starving and our hair was probably everywhere. “Um, yeah, just in a bit of a shock” I tried to sound casual, but I was screaming inside. Ashvina’s mouth was still hanging and nearly touching the ground, so I decided to nudge her for her sake, knowing her, being all self-conscious, I tried to be as supportive as I could. “This is the best surprise, ever.” she said in the most girlyest voice. Again he chuckled, cutest. thing. ever. “Well I’m showing you where your going to be staying for the next few weeks” he spoke in that amazing voice of his. “Will it be close to you guys?” I winked and tried to make a joke and he again, chuckled but then said the most amazing thing ever, “Your funny, Louis would really love to hang around with someone like you” he smiled casually but to me, this made me feel so happy, I’ve been exploding a lot lately so I’ve kind of trained myself to hold it in, until I’m alone. I just smiled and acted casual, nudged Ashvina and she understood what I meant. “I know” she whispered to me quickly when Liam was looking away. “So where exactly are we going?” she said when he looked like we were doing something suspicious. “What are you two whispering about?” he said cheekily. “Oh girly stuff” I winked “want to know?” I said in the same way he asked us. “I’m alright, I’ll keep out of your business,” didn’t sound so convincing to me ... “ehem!” Ashvina tried to break the tension “I asked you a question Payne.” she winked “Hahaha oh right, yes it’s the same hotel as us, it’s called the Lamorando, quite fancy actually, not used to it.” “That’s a surprise, we thought One Direction stayed in the fanciest of fancies” I tried acting surprised “Actually, no we don’t, we get the offer, but turn it down most of the time because the fans may figure it out easily, we love them so much but you need a bit of a private life as well.” “True” Ashvina and I spoke in union.

We soon got to the Lamorando and Liam was right, it was defiantly fancy, Ashvina and I were in awe. “Oh god.” “I know”.

“You going to help me with your bags ladies?” Liam called from behind

“Sorry!” we said together turing around to help.

“I was kidding but thank you, at least it isn’t as much as Zayn brings.” he joked

“So what is Zayn like” Ashvina tried sounding casual but I so saw this coming so I had a little giggle to myself. 

“Zayn is, well, Zayn. He draws, sings a lot and loves looking good.” He joked

“Just like me” Ashvina said in a soft voice. Liam and I both had a little laugh while she blushed “Guys, stop it” she complained which made us laugh more.

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