Chapter 36

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*Chapter 36*

*Mia’s POV

“Mia, the cafes this way..” Ash waved her hand in my face to snap me out of it. I was walking straight past the cafe like a blind person. I took a few steps back, and we walked into the arena together but instead of making our way to the dressing rooms as usual, we turned to the cute french cafe in the corner.

We saw Ebony at one of the higher coffee tables the the end of the room and went to join her.

“So where’d you go?” Ashvina asked as she sat down, followed by me. I saw a rush of panic went through Ebony’s face, well I think that’s what I saw but maybe it was just me.

“Um, I needed to get some money out” she replied and put her phone into her pocket.

“Okay, so have you been here before?” I asked, I meant the cafe.

“Not here as in the cafe, but I’ve come to the arena before” she smiled innocently.

“Okay, well I recommend the Mocha, best one I’ve had” Ashvina picked up the menu card.

“Actually I prefer the banana muffins, they’re melt in your mouth” I scanned through the card.

“I think I might try both” she said smugly. Of course, Niall’s girlfriend after all.

“Okay, I’ll go order” She collected the cards and started to go for her purse.

“No, we have money!” Ashvina held a $20 bill out to her.

“Don’t be silly, whats a few muffins and drinks gonna be?” She smiled and walked off before Ashvina could throw the money to her.

“So what do you think of Ebony?” I said quietly.

“She’s really nice, seems perfect for Niall” Ashvina said without thinking, “what about you?”

“Yeah, she’s really sweet but I don’t know, there’s something weird about her..” I spied.

“Mia!” Ashvina slapped me softly. “You always do this”

“Do what?” I knew what she was going to say.

“Judge people without knowing them”

“No I don’t, give me some people” I said confidently.

“Bethany from dancing, you thought she was a witch before we even spoke to her.”

“Oh come on, we were like nine then!” I said defensively.

“There was, Sam from school, when she started in our grade in year nine, you were so convinced that she was a snob because she wore designer things on free dress days” She listed about five more before Ebony came back with our warm food and drinks.

“What did I miss?” she sat back down.

“Oh nothing, just Mia day dreaming like always” Ashvina nudged me.

“Yeah, pointless” I nudged back.

“Okay then” she said convincingly and took a big bite from her muffin.

“FOOD” I smiled and followed Ebony while Ashvina sipped her Mocha.

So c-come on, 

you’ve got it wrong, 

to prove I’m right, I put it, in a so-o-ong

Ashvina’s phone went off in the middle of our conversation of shopping.

She blushed from the ringtone and picked it up.

“Hey babe” she answered. Ebony and I giggled when we realised, of course, Zayn. 

“Yeah we’re at the cafe outside the arena, Ebony’s here too” she smiled.

“Okay, yeah we’ll be there in 5, bye, aha I love you too” she hung up.

“Where will we be in five minutes Ashvina?” Ebony said with a mouthful of banana muffin.

“Well the boys have nearly finished their rehearsals so they’re in the dressing rooms, they asked us of we wanted to hang around until they finish up everything.” she answered and took one last sip of her Mocha and threw it out. 

“Awesome, I’m up for it” I smiled and crunched up the muffin paper cup.

“Hold on, I’m going to get a muffin to take home” Ebony grabbed her purse and swiftly moved to the counter.

After we got our shopping bags and Ebony had brought back the muffin in a brown paper bag, we made our way over to the secret door which led backstage.

“It still feels so weird knowing that we know about the secret door” I said thinking back to when we first got here.

We followed the long grey corridor until we reached a door that said 



Everyone knew that we were part of the crew and Ebony was with Niall, so we just ignored the last part and walked right in.

“We are here” Ashvina called as the door flung open to 5 friendly faces, well actually 4 friendly faces, and one face was smirking and shot me a wink, Harry.

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