Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

The other boys ordered some Sunkist and we while we were waiting, started talking about the boy’s tour to Australia. We told them that we’d take them around and show them all the  interesting things in Melbourne, they liked the sound of that. Then I excused myself to go to the toilet and asked Ashvina to come with me. “Yeah sure, excuse us” we made our way to the bathroom.

“What’s up?”  Ashvina asked casually.

“Your so in!!!” I squealed quietly.

“I hope so!” she smiled.

“You look so cute together, what has he talked to you about?”

“He likes my jacket, he wants me to teach him to dance and he called me beautiful”


“I know” she squealed

We just kept talking, in the corner of the toilets. Then I asked her “Louis seems really quiet, but I really want to get closer to him... I don’t know what to do” I shrugged. Ashvina suggested a few conversation topics. 

“I love you” I hugged her.

“I’m here whenever” she hugged me back.

*Harry’s POV*

“Excuse us for a few minutes” Ashvina smiled, getting up to leave with Mia.

I watched them leave, mainly Mia. Her dark hair moved as she walked. She was beautiful, her blue eyes shined like crystals. She was funny and sweet. Pretty much the perfect girl. 

“Hey Lou” I slapped his arm. “What do you think of Mia?” I asked as he turned to me.

“Oh no Styles, falling for another one?” he nudged me.

“Afraid so, she’s just so beautiful and the funniest!” this was getting painful to think about, I could tell she didn’t like me, but I wouldn’t give up on her. I was determined. But if I ever hurt her, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forgive myself.


“Please Angela, don’t do this” I beg.

“I can’t do this anymore, you’ve hurt me too many times Harry” she snapped as she picked up her coat from the ground. I grab her arm, tearrs were welling up in my eyes.

“Please, I love you” I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

“I’m pretty sure you’ve said that to so many girls” She screwed up her face, it was adorable, I can’t believe she was leaving me.

“No, I mean it, Ang” she pulled away from my grip.

“It’s over Harry, just go a find another girl, I’m sure there are heaps that you haven’t kissed already” she started sobbing.

“It was a mistake! I never meant that to happen!” I was on my knees.

“Please, stop, your making this so hard. I can’t be with you anymore, you’ve cheated on me so many times, at first I thought nothing of it, but now, this is just insane. This girl’s going around telling people you made her pregnant!” she cried

“I swear, I didn’t, I’m trying to find out who this is and as soon as I do, she’ll be sorry, I don’t even know her!” I yelled.

“I’m sorry Harry, I don’t know what to believe, I can’t do this anymore.” and with that, she was gone.

*End Flashback*

*Mia’s POV*

We walked back to our table, our food was spread out on the table but the boys hadn’t started yet. 

“Why didn’t you guys start eating?” I asked confused as I got back to my seat between Ashvina and Niall.

“We wouldn’t just start without you girls” Liam smiled.

“Aw that’s very thoughtful of you” Ashvina beamed.

“We are nothing if not gentleman's” Liam grinned widely

“So.. can we eat now.. or?” I asked, I was starving!

“THANK YOU MIA!” Niall hugged me for a second and then started to dig into his chicken. After a little bit of laughter, we all started eating and after about another 45 minutes, we were all slumped in our seats, so full that it hurt to laugh.

“Well that was nice” I probably interrupted everyones thoughts but I didn’t really care at the moment, it was too quiet for me to handle.

“Extremely” Louis agreed. 

“Excuse me guys” Zayn was getting up. Probably for a smoke.

“May I come?” Ashvina asked, smiling.

“Um yeah, sure” Zayn smiled back.

The two of them left and the 5 of us just giggled about how cute they looked together.

“Zayn definitely likes her” Liam muttered.

“Someone jealous?” Louis was joking of course

“No..” Liam blushed, didn’t see this coming.

*Zayns POV*

Ashvina followed me outside to the back of the restaurant, I grabbed my cigarette pack out.

“Smoking?” Ashvina asked in a disappointed tone. She was so beautiful, but that frown on her face, I know she was a little upset by me smoking, I could tell from her eyes.

“I’ve been trying to quit for a while” I got my lighter out and lit the tip. It felt so bad, I was killing myself, I knew that, but it was so hard to stop.

“Not hard enough” she sighed. Everything went quiet, it was uncomfortable. I blew out the smoke, Ashvina coughed, I could tell she was joking because of her beautiful smile.

“Pretty good fake cough you got” I smiled.

“I’ve been working on it, since my uncle died from lung cancer, I try to persist anyone to stop” she said softly, I saw her big brown eyes fill up with tears.

“Aw babe, don’t cry” I dropped the cigarette and gave her a hug. She started sobbing on my shoulder, I rubbed her back, “It’s ok” I tried soothing her.

“No Zayn” she cried now looking at me directly in my eyes “You’re killing yourself, that’s not okay, everytime you put a cigarette in your mouth, so many things in your body weaken, I had to watch my uncle die, day after day, you know how painful it is?” she was sobbing on my shoulder again.

I felt my eyes starting to fill up with tears, I really cared about Ashvina, seeing her like this, I couldn’t deal with it, it was too painful.

“I will stop” I took her face in my hands, looking in her brown eyes, “I will, for you.” 

She stopped crying, smiled. This was it, I had to kiss her, I leaned in, closed my eyes and felt her soft lips on mine. This was the best feeling ever, I didn’t want to leave her but she pulled away, I opened my eyes to see Ashvina, her eyes were shining, she seemed shocked, I was too, I never usually just do that without getting to know them first, but that kiss, it just felt so right. It started to get awkward from the silence, so we just waited, staring at each other.

“Wow.” Ashvina finally said.

“I’m sorry” I said quietly, even though I most definitely wasn’t.

“Don’t be, I’ve never felt so happy in my life” she blushed, looking as gorgeous as ever.

“Neither have I” I whispered. She smiled cutely. 

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