Chapter 34

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*Chapter 34*

*Mia’s POV*

“Come on, let’s go to the room and get you cleaned up” she tried cheering me up but I just wiped my tears and followed Ashvina to the guest room where my clothes were still everywhere.

“Oh, um, ew..” she muttered, I scoffed a laugh and picked up my shit.

“Since we have today off and the boys are at the studio, I think we should go shopping” she suggested. I nodded in agreement, it had been awhile since we spent time just the two of us.

“I’d like that” I smiled. I picked up my clothes and went into the bathroom. I let the hot water run down my hair and let my body prune in the heat. I got out, brushed my teeth after changing into a pair of shorts and my ‘free spirit t-shirt.

 I quickly brushed my hair out and tied it to the side inserting two bobby pins to hold the wispy bits down.

Ashvina was dressed in a pair of shorts aswell and had let her long dark hair down, she was wearing a ‘billabong’ singlet with her 15 bracelets on her left wrist. 

I quickly applied some make up and put on my blue vans, we were ready to go.

We grabbed our purses and phones, locked the door and started walking down the road.

“Oh um wait, we don’t have money, after last night?” I remembered.

“Oh I forgot to tell you, the police called this morning and because we had pictures of our things, they were able to give us the money to buy everything back, even though some of it was worthless stuff, I’m so happy we got insurance!” she smiled at the amazing news. 

“That’s amazing, even the money for the laptop?” I asked, remembering about my flight ticket.

“Yep, but I had it all put into my bank account for now so we won’t loose it, $9000 was the result” she laughed, we didn’t realise how much we had actually brought from Australia. 

We walked into Glassons.

“You would look amazing in this” Ashvina ran up to a rack and pulled out an amazing dress

I loved it, it was something I would wear.

“Hmm..” I examined it.

“Go on, go try it” she nudged me. So I started making my way to the changing rooms when I saw a familiar looking girl at the sales rack.

“Ebony?” I called and the girl turned around instantly.

“Mia,” she smiled and made her way over to me, she was wearing a summery dress which suited her perfectly. 

“Doing some shopping?” I hugged her.

“Yeah, Niall’s taking me out tomorrow after your rehearsal...” she cut herself off, “Wait, aren’t you supposed to be.. um.. packing?” she said quietly.

“Hahaha” I tried to smile “Um well, our place was broken into yesterday, so my plane ticket is gone” I bit my lip try not to cry.

“Oh my god!” she hugged me again “Are you okay?” she asked supportingly, ‘LOL NO’ I wanted to yell, but I remained calm and nodded.

“Okay, you go try those on and I’ll wait with Ash, and maybe we could all go out to lunch together” she waved at Ashvina who was beside the shoes. 

“Okay, be back in 5” I smiled and walked past her.

I closed the curtain, hung the dress on the hook and slipped my shoes off. Just before i was about to take my crop off, my phone vibrated in my pocket.

You never know who’s watching


Oh yay, now this anonymous pedophile is a pervert. I looked around quickly, it took me awhile to realise the only thing that the ‘stalker’ was talking about was a security camera. I gave it a glare, took my things and stormed out. I was pissed off.

“Did it fit?” Ashvina asked cheerfully as she tried walking in a pair of heels.

“What? oh um, yeah, extra small, perfect” I faked a smile. “Wheres Ebony?” I asked as Ashvina gave me a weird look to my previous answer.

“Um.. I think she said she’ll meet us at the Cafe at the Arena, she said she needed to get some things quickly and ran out” she replied casually.

“Okay, I’m going to go get this dress, are you getting them?” I nodded towards the 5 inch heels.

“Yeah, hold on a second” she sat back down. 

Same Mistakes.Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα