IX - Vice Captain Nerissa

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"Nerissa Dezastaria! Please come forward!"

She went on her way towards the Commander. She is kneeling before him because he is a short alien. She sighted Yaya holding some kind of a plate.

"Nerissa Dezastaria. We, the TAPOPS, are very thankful for your presence during our very crisis time." Koko Ci said with a loud voice.

Hearing this, Nerissa feels proud of herself. This reminds her time with her brother's friend. Guess all of those fight practices will be helpful now. Not to mention the training from the General.

"And, for your bravery and assistance during the previous event, I now appoint you as one of our own." Koko Ci continues.

Yaya comes forward along with Commander. She handed him a badge. That badge is positioned on her upper left chest. He gave her the TAPOPS salute, and so did she. She rose to her feet and turned around to face the troopers.

"Congratulations! And welcome to TAPOPS, Vice-Captain Nerissa!"

The noise of claps echoes around the room. Nerissa glances her eyes at Kaizo in the distance. He sent her a smirk and responded with a smile on her face.

Free endless drinks and snacks. Some of the soldiers are dancing around with laughter bursting from their mouths. Maybe some are just drinking or have a chit-chat on the sides. The kids are having a good time, eating, dancing, talking, and making fun of themselves. Nerissa watches them from afar, sipping her drink. She feels pretty dizzy from all the crowds and noises, her heart beating faster, her visions getting a little blurry.

"I need some air.." She reconsidered.

She goes to any nearby balcony she could find. As soon as she opened the door, she immediately took a deep breath and exhaled. The dizziness inside her head slowly disappears. The smell of the air is so different than the earth. She continues to take a deep breath multiple times and exhales. The beating of her heart is finally calmed down. She eventually gained back her peace of mind.

She looked at the party behind her, "Maybe I should not go back in there for a while."

She doesn't want to waste this precious time of her being alone and at peace. She felt the stiffness as her arms were stretched, also on her back. She glances at the night sky on this planet.

She usually saw black skies with a small moon and grey clouds. But on this planet outside the solar system, everything is different. The night sky is colorful, and the galaxy she sees now is dark magenta. There could be more colors. The other planets were so close she could see them with her bare eyes. The messy stardust in the sky. She takes this moment to enjoy the scenery with awe.


Nerissa was startled at the sound. It's a very unfamiliar voice, a male, to be exact. She turned an eye on the voice source.

"Hello...?" She responds.

"My name is Elzun. Pleased to meet you." The man bowed.

"Nerissa." She bowed back at the response. "What brings you here?"

"I just want to introduce myself to you, haha. Oh! I forgot to mention, I'm a cadet." He said.

She nods and stares at the cadet with a suspicious look. She suddenly remembered this cadet's face back at the party. She sighted him with his friend, and he looked at her with some kind of expression. She knew there was something fishy about this bitch.

"From what I heard, you assisted Captain Kaizo in a fight against Pirate King Ziorta. Is that true?" He asked in curiosity.

"Yes, I did." She answers.

Bloody Shadow : Book One (a Captain Kaizo x OC Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now