XVII - Inventor of the Night

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"Miss Dezastaria. I really do love the reaction on your face." Alvah says while holding his electric metal sword.

He could clearly see the shocked reaction on her face turning into a serious one. Nerissa is now in front of her enemy. She sees some flickering electrics on his sword. Her dress slowly changes into her usual red attire with her TAPOPS badge, as if the dress burns itself.

Alvah laughs softly and says, "Oh, that's adorable. Knowing that you are actually one of those TAPOPS."

"Straight to the point, Alvah. What did you use Musikabot for?" Nerissa begins to interrogate him.

"What would you gain for asking that? Think you can arrest me easily?" He mocks.

She clicks her tongue, "I didnt say I will arrest you. Now answer the question."

He slowly walks around the room and asks, "Remember when I told you about what I did for a living?"

She ponders it and says, "That youre an inventor?"

"Precisely, Miss Dezastaria. Well, to be exact, all of my inventions turned into a bunch of scraps." He scoffs.

Nerissa raises her eyebrow in confusion and questions, "Meaning?"

"I have invented things since I was young, along with my so-called best friend. We invented so many things. People used to love our things back then. However, the damn corrupted government crushed that bond. They liked his looks, or should I say, his shells," He recalled, "That disgusting thought of theirs made whatever inventions he created in demand. He became their lovely pet, their whore. The government and he destroyed me. They would ban everything I created." He curses and grits his teeth.

She was all ears hearing his stories, which made her slightly bored. Nerissa then yawns and comments, "My, how awful is that." She glances at the caged power sphere and questions, "Now, back to my question, what did you use it for? Let me guess, you manipulate it for money."

When Nerissa said those last words, Alvah halted all his movements and sensed the cautiousness inside him. He was facing the wall. Then, he slowly twists his body to another side, facing her.

He smirks and breathes, "How amusing. Youre so narrow-minded, Miss Dezastaria. However, you are correct. Then, theres no more for me to declare."

Nerissa inhales, then speaks, "Alrighty. Mister... Alvah. Yes, Mister Alvah." She clears her throat, "I understood your whole sad life story and why you manipulated Musikabot. However, you must surrender the power sphere to me to keep it in safe hand."

"And if I dont? What would you even do?" Alvah mocks her.

"Then I have any other choice," She pulls out a small knife from her pocket and then carves her palm with it. The dripping blood turns into her blood sword. She stood on her guard and spoke, "But to persuade you by force."

Alvah grips his metal sword on his horse, "Make me."

Nerissa attempts to charge Alvah with her blood sword. However, when she is about to strike him with her sword, he quickly defends himself with his metal sword. They both could feel the aggressiveness as they attempted to snap their weapons. The tension between them.

On the other hand, Alvah gathered his power in his right hand and turned it into a fist.

"Electrical Punch!"

When his fist is about to hit Nerissa, she quickly stops it with her magic. Her hands are now occupied. But, his fist is still strong and hits Nerissa's waist. That punch attack made Nerissa fly to her right, and she broke through the wall. She lands on the monitor table on the operator room's first floor, which is now broken. Nerissa could feel the numb pain on her back and the stun hit on her waist.

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