VI - Invasion

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The pirate fleet finally reached their destination and proceeded to ambush the Sunnova Station. It's taking them a while to travel with hyper speed. Mop aliens are in their position to prevent them, along with Admiral Tarung, Captain Kaizo, and other Tempur-A soldiers. So many spacecraft attempt to shoot the weak spots of the pirate spacecraft. Of course, they destroy the little spacecraft as a reply.

The sounds of clashing swords resonated on the battlefield. Commander Koko Ci could sense the tension, monitoring from the control station. Everything is going well, just like Captain Kaizo told them. However, it feels strange. There are no signs of the Ziorta's ship, the main spacecraft. It should have been here right now. That thought kind of irritates him.

"Where is that ship?" He mumbles while monitoring.

He had a feeling that he would do the same thing Vargoba did. But that's impossible, TAPOPS defense system has been upgraded since that attack. It's still bugging him.

"Contact TAPOPS now!"


A beeping sound came from Boboiboy's wrists, and he opened the hologram call as soon as possible. Looks like it's essential.

"Yes, Commander?" Boboiboy replies.

Commander questions half-aloud, "Boboiboy! Any sign of Ziorta?!"

"We haven't caught any signals of him yet." The cadet answers.

"Strange... His ship should've been here a while ago!" Commander comments.

Gopal overheard the call and exhaled, "Perhaps he's just late to the party..."

Koko Ci heard those utters and quickly scolded him, "What did you just say, cadet?!"

That shout made Gopal wake and flinched, "N-Nothing, Commander."

Yaya approaches Boboiboy and says, "But, Commander, what Gopal said is true. There might be a chance that he could sneak out his way."

"If you spoke about sneaking, Stealthbot has been secured here for months. That is impossible. Chances are low." Fang differs in her opinion.

"What you two just spoke is correct." He agrees, "Nut!"

Their engineer heard the summoning and saluted, "Yes, Commander!"

"How's the upgraded shield?"

"The shield has increased its power to 100% and has been activated for hours. For now, there are no signs of scratch on it." Nut speaks.

"Hmm... I see. Just stay cautious, all of you. The Pirate King might have been hiding somewhere far to plan a surprise attack. Don't slack. That means YOU, Gopal." Koko Ci warns.

Gopal heard that warning and rose from his slumber, "O-Of c-course, Commander!"

"Well, then. Be careful guarding there."

Far from the TAPOPS Station, a giant ship slowly floats in space, halting its engine. There was a vast cannon installed on it, aiming at the station. The cannon starts to glow, ready to fire. It bursts a giant electromagnetic fireball. The station couldn't sense the incoming attack.


Everyone inside the station stumbles to the floor due to the sudden attack.

Boboiboy gets up and utters, "W-What was that?!"

Nut scurries to the monitor and checks. The results made his eyes widen, "I-Impossible. That's impossible!"

Fang was shocked at his expression, "W-What's up?!"

Bloody Shadow : Book One (a Captain Kaizo x OC Fanfiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu