Chapter 29: Painfully Aware

Start from the beginning

Sora was cut and messed up so much she couldn't move anymore. Even her fingers wouldn't cooperate with her and she doubted there was a part of her that wasn't covered in blood. Her body was covered in her own blood and pools of it laid under her. Her white long sleeved shirt covered in crimson red and holes from disintegration and knives.

Her mind was foggy with pain and she couldn't think straight. The only thing she could think was, "Shigaraki. Have to save Bakugo. Keep
pushing. Useless."

The villain walked over to Sora in calm steps. Calculated and confident. His steps rang in her ears, the sudden noise sounded like she was standing next to a jet engine.

He stopped in front of her and crouched down to meet her foggy dull grey eyes.

"You really are pathetic and useless. Can't take simple wounds?" He taunted her.

The wounds she was sporting weren't simple at all. Some went deep the the bone and were still bleeding. But that didn't mean she didn't believe him.

She was pretty useless and pathetic. Couldn't save a single teenager from harm. Just like Seiza and her mother. She thought that they were torturing Bakugo as well.

Sora asked the same question that she had been asking from the beginning, "Don't hurt Bakugo-kun. Please. Hurt me. Just don't hurt him."

Shigaraki was amused with this.

The villain wasn't planning on hurting the blonde hero in training at all, but Sora didn't know that. He used it against her often. In truth, Bakugo hadn't woken up yet. He was still unconscious.

They kept having to knock him out because all he would do is yell and they needed a calm conversation.

"You really want to take his pain from him? Are you sure?" He asked teasingly.

"Please," Sora said weakly. Although Shigaraki got the message.

The chain from the collar rattled as Shigaraki once again pushed Sora back up against the wall by her neck, keeping only four fingers on her.

The girl didn't have the energy to fight back anymore. As long she knew Bakugo wouldn't be hurt then she saw no need to fight. Sora's hands and arms were painfully and uncomfortably pushed up against the wall too, adding unnecessary pressure on her still open wounds. The dank and dirty wall got dirt into her cuts as well.

She was starting to feel sick, high with fever and more weak in her body.

The sudden movements caused her wounds to bleed even more, the pain agonizing.

Shigaraki put his hand up against her shoulder, all five fingers. It quickly burned through the cotton fabric and to her skin. He pushed his hand down further and kept disintegrating until he felt she had enough. He was impressed she still hasn't screamed yet, but he'd never tell her that.

He smiled creepily as he looked into her grey dull eyes. Cloudy with pain and a deep sadness that could be felt when looking into them. He pushed the hand on her neck farther, choking her.

Sora felt the familiar feeling of losing air. Just like when she was drifting in the cold dark water. Except this time, it wasn't herself who was inflicting it.

The wounded vigilante didn't utter a word as she lost air. No plea for mercy. No last word of revenge.

Shigaraki let go of her neck and she slumped to the floor with an audible thud, gasping for air.

"You know," The villain started, "you remind me of someone master once knew."

Sora forced her eyes open and looked up at him.

"There was a person my master knew. They were good friends. He didn't have a very special quirk, but his daughter did. It was a good mix of both her parents quirks. The master's friend spent years trying to get her to submit to his will so she could join him and Master," He explained.

"But in the end, he killed her and the girl's mother. Her body is probably off in a ditch somewhere," He said dismissively, almost as if he were bored.

"I never even got the chance to meet her. But you do remind me of her. Except that girl wasn't as pathetic and useless as you," Shigaraki kicked her in the gut, worsening her wounds, and walked oof towards the door.

The door closed loudly, the noise ringing in Sora's ears like a train.

A tear ran down her face.

She knew who that girl was.

It was her.

Everyone thought she was dead.

(Just so you know, there was an edit made to chapter 21. wanted you guys to know.)
Ok I know that it was painful.
I wrote this with a smile, what's wrong with me.
But I have a question for you all, so I've been thinking of different au's for Sora and I came up with a villain au.
If you guys want me to write that I will.
We got some angst and sadness later.
Hope to see you then!
Thanks for reading!

(1412 words)

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