11. My biggest Fear

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I guess what it really comes down to is the fact that I am afraid.
I am afraid to tell you I am afraid.
I am afraid because now you seem to be finding yourself without me.
And please trust me when I say I am happy for you, that I am proud of you, that I am supporting you,
Because I am.
I am just so fucking terrified that soon that won't be enough for you to keep me around.
That everything around you will kick me out of your heart.
You're gonna be just fine, and I'll be left to nothing.
I can feel myself pulling away.
It's not even my choice and it's not what I want.
All I do want is for you to notice, to pull me closer than ever and hug me tight so I can't escape.
Maybe tonight will be the night,
The night you fight away my fears.

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