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Let's go on an adventure just you and me.
We can do anything you could ever dream

Let's go on a hot air balloon, soaring high above the clouds.
up where the sun, which shines as bright as your smile, blinds us from the view of the people who are not even watching.
Where the wind will rock our basket to a steady rhythm side to side, but your legs will forget how to stand still.
When you get scared you can come and put your head on my chest; listen to my racing heartbeat.
Just take deep breaths my darling.

Lets go deep sea diving, submerging in the depths of the icy water.
Where the water seems calm on the surface, but underneath the currents sweep us further into the unknown.
The fish will go round and round making you dizzy trying to keep up.
Give up trying to keep up, just give up.
Just swim close to me and we can kiss under all the waves, making you lose any breath you had left.
Just dont drown yet my darling.

Lets go to the carnival, where so much is happening it's impossible to stay focused on one thing.
Where everything is a blur.
Lets go to the concession stand and consume however much we please, so much we can feel the rush as instantaneously as the rides around us.
Then we'll go on the rides and hope we dont crash.
Let the lights light up your mind so that you go blind to the world around you
You won't even feel the darkness that swaddles you.
Just try and focus my darling.

Lets go to the club, party all night.
Where anything you could ever want is at your hand.
Dont try to deny it, I'll buy you that drink.
Let your body take control, let me take control of your body, just lose control.
You might regret it in the morning, but I promise tonight itll feel so good.
It's not a problem my darling

Lets go to Karaoke, singing sweet melodies throughout the night.
Where all eyes would be on you.
When you try to use your voice just dont look at me, I'm sure i'll make you speechless, breathless even.
Ill keep all the unwanted attention away, you're mine after all.
Just keep your head held high my darling

So you still cant choose which one is for you?
You say you're scared? Scared of me! Why?
I thought we were close?
There's no way I could harm you, my job is to protect you.
After all, I am just your mind.

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