10.speck of nothing

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Do you ever feelLike you're a small speck of nothing,
Just drifting up and down in these breeze of life.
Where you this breeze is sometimes warm, and sometimes cold.
Sometimes is calm and slow and feels like kisses upon your skin.
Sometimes it whips you around so much you're left with burn marks.
And you're the only one who seems to notice.
Other people should notice why can't they notice?
You even show them your kisses and scars, you ask them to listen.
To listen to the sound the wind carries in the night.
The howls and the rustles
The tiny sounds little specks like you make.
They say that they'll listen.
That's the day you learned people lie.
You'll give up trying to fly, and you'll make a crash landing.
You'll think this is the end.
But I can promise, you are actually not a nothing speck
no matter how much it may seem.
You will land and death will lay upon you,
And dew will layer on too,
All to to birth you
into a new.

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