"Lucifer," I say softly. He rests his forehead against mine and looks into my eyes. He stays like that for a moment.

"Let me know when you're ready," he says quietly, "but this is happening now." He closes his eyes for a minute and swallows before reopening them and looking into my eyes.

He is going to make me kiss him. I don't have a choice. I look back into his eyes. He is waiting for me. I inwardly sigh. I might as well get this over with. I give him a slight nod. He looks back down at my lips and slowly brings his own closer until they brush against mine.

His eyes close and he presses his lips against me. His lips are soft, gentle, as they caress mine. After a second his lips start to part and I feel his tongue poke against my lips. I pull my head back slightly.

"Rose," He breaths softly before pressing his lips against mine again. This time he uses a little more force. He pokes his tongue against my lips and I open my mouth, letting him in. He's already kissing me, I might as well keep him happy. I let his tongue explore my mouth. I move my tongue in rhythm with his. He moans slightly against my lips and pulls away, sucking in air.

"Fuck Rose," He breaths before pressing his lips against mine with more force. He pushes me back against a wall and explores my mouth with his tongue. I can't keep up with his passion, but I try my best. He didn't kidnap me. He is just a really attractive guy who is kissing me. Or so I try to tell myself. After a moment he pulls back, breathing heavily.

"Fuck Rose, you're so perfect. I want you so bad." He breaths. "If my family wasn't coming I'd throw you on the bed right now." He rests his forehead against mine again and closes his eyes as he catches his breath. I never thought I'd say this, but thank god his family is coming over. After a couple minutes he straightens himself up and looks at me.

"Shall we head downstairs?" He asks, holding his hand out to me. I know better than to refuse his hand and I take it.

He squeezes my hand and leads me downstairs. As we are nearing the bottom of the stairs the doorbell rings. Perfect timing. He squeezes my hand again, then releases it and walks forward to the door. He opens the door and allows his family to step in.

First through the door is an older man who appears to be in or nearing his fifties. His once dark hair is turning grey along with his short mustache and beard. He is buff, like extremely in shape. He has an intense look about him, more intense than Lucifer. It is slightly scary. Lucifer gives the man a firm handshake, before glancing at the next person to walk through the door.

Next through the door Is a boy who appears to be about my age, maybe slightly older. He has dark brown hair, blue eyes, and stubble all around his lips. He is in shape as well, but not as crazy buff as the older man or Lucifer. Lucifer gives him a bro hug, he grabs his hand, shakes it, pulls him in for a one-armed hug, and pats his back. He gives him a greeting of "Hey man," before turning to the next person through the door.

Last through the door is a woman who appears to be in her forties. She has long golden blonde hair and crystal blue eyes. She is skinny, and extremely pretty for a woman of her age. Next to her stands a little girl who can't be older than ten. She is holding the woman's hand. She has long straight dirty blonde hair and green eyes. She is adorable.

Lucifer hugs the woman before swooping down and picking up the little girl and giving her a big hug. I stand at the bottom of the stairs awkwardly for a moment before Lucifer looks back at me.

"Rose, this is my dad, Michael." He says referring to the older man. Michael holds his hand out to me but he looks disinterested. I take his hand and shake it. He has a very firm grip.

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