Tum was afraid that Alex would do some stupid things. He hoped he would not have to choose sides.

Tharn watched Tum and Type. Both were visibly upset. His phone finally rang.


For ten minutes, a voice from the other side reported. Finally Tharn said:

- "All right, keep on monitoring."

- "Tharn, what does the investigator say?"

- "He says Alex hasn't been at work for ten days. It looks like he hasn't been in the apartment for a long time. But the investigation says he hasn't left Thailand. For now that's all."

- "Tharn, Tum, should we report to the police his disappearance?"

Tum was silent but Tharn responded.

- "Wait another day. He must have a reason for this."

- "But Tharn, what if his father did something to him."

A nerve twitched on Tharn's face, this is exactly what he thought.

- "Type, baby, let's not panic and draw conclusions. We'll wait a little while and then do something. Is that okay? Tum, do you agree with this?"

Type and Tum just nodded.

On the seventh day since Alex's disappearance, Type was already on edge. Tum had been living with them for several days and the atmosphere was terribly tense. Tharn swore at Alex. Investigators were monitoring even the estate of Alex's family, but there was no sign of him.

Three men ate breakfast. Suddenly a doorbell rang. It was Type who opened the door.

- "Alex !!! Oh my God Alex !!"

Tum and Tharn heard what Type was saying, but they didn't move.

- "Alex, where have you been all this time?!? If you didn't show up now, we were preparing to report to the police your disappearance!"

- "Type, just take it easy. I'll explain everything to you. Oh, breakfast, is there anything for me too?"

Alex stopped and looked at Tum .... he could feel the darkness and anger that surrounded Tharn, he assumed it would be. But Tum showed no emotion. Alex moved closer to him and put hand on his shoulder, but Tum got away and continued to eat.

- "Uh, it looks like you're all mad at me. But if you give me some time, I'll explain everything."  

Type stood next to Tharn and grabbed his arm. Tharn just nodded slightly. Tum still showed no reaction.

- "Ok, first I apologize for disappearing without a word. But it just happened. While I'm with Type rushing around Bangkok, scenes suddenly started appearing in my brain that made no sense. For days, I didn't know if I was awake or  dreaming. Lack of sleep, too much information, and finding a family member seems to have been too much for me.That's why I visited my therapist. Suddenly both my body and my brain seemed to stop working. I slept for days. But when I finally managed to open my eyes, everything was much clearer. With the therapist, I was able to put everything in my head. What is a memory, what was a dream, what is true.  I'm sorry I didn't contact you. But here I am. Alex. Reborn and ready for revenge. "

All three flinched at the last sentence.
Type said:

-"Revenge? What revenge? What are you talking about. I'm glad you finally got everything in your head, but you really scared us. You shouldn't have come to me and Tharn to apologize and explain, we could wait. You should have looked for Tum first. "

When the Devil falls in love (Tharn&Type)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang