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"Sven," said Valente, turning to face him in his swivel chair.

Sven looked at his first cousin, and closest friend with slight annoyance.

"I'm sorry okay? It's no big deal anyway. I just had to see her. You told me she was hurt," Valente said.

"You can't just climb through the infirmary window to see her like that!" Sven said, now incredulous.

Valente smiled fondly at this.

"Climbing through windows was her thing," he said quietly, still smiling to himself.

"Well what if someone saw you? What if she saw you?" Sven said. He wasn't angry, just annoyed that Valente had almost given the whole plan away. "I've been pushing her around, barely giving her any information for her own protection, and here you are giving yourself away with your scent!"

Valente had left the infirmary just in time before Jasper and Bryony came in. He sighed, now thinking about his mate. At this point in time, he wished he could have stayed by her side a little longer. Those few minutes weren't enough, not even by a long shot.

"You have to go with her Sven. To Fala," Valente said.

"I can't Val," Sven replied. "Nove wants her to go with Bayo. If I ask to go instead it'll raise even more questions."

"I'll talk to November myself then. I'll tell her maybe she's not safe with just a kid like Bayo!" Valente said to him.

Sven sighed looking out of the window in his studio apartment. They were alone, conversing about their plan at hand.

"It's enough that they let you come in and leave the Dwelling as you please, but you putting your opinions into a plan you technically aren't even supposed to know about? They'll kick you out first, and then kill me later," Sven said.

Valente chuckled at this.

"Okay then, tell me yourself. What else am I supposed to do? How will I know she's safe inside Fala?" he asked Sven.

"You underestimate Rayne. I've seen her fight. She can handle herself," replied Sven.

"You think I don't know that? She was one of the best back at Fathilagt and she wasn't even eighteen before she left. That's not what I'm worried about," Valente said.

"Then what is it?" Sven asked Valente, who sighed in response.

"Rosa trained Rayne with a strict moral code. Put in a situation to fight, she'll be invincible. But, she won't be able to anticipate a dirty move," Valente said. "I've been able to keep an eye on her through you, or myself all this time while she was on her own. But inside foreign territory? Without Imadis? I just can't sit around waiting, hoping for her to come back safe."

Sven turned around to face Valente.

"You said it yourself. You need to keep away from her till you can figure out exactly what the Palace wants from her," Sven said. "I know they're looking into you too."

Valente got up to walk towards the window where Sven stood. He looked outside towards the building in which he knew Rayne slept.

"I can't let them link her to me. It's been tough to convince them that I know nothing of her whereabouts, but clearly they don't trust me. Everyone knew what I felt for her, they think I'm protecting her," he said.

"You are protecting her," Sven replied.

"Exactly. And I think many people in and around the pack are figuring that out faster than I'd anticipated. My trips out of Fathilagt are being questioned back home, especially by Sylvia," Valente said, sighing.

Heir To The Iron Crown: DyrithWhere stories live. Discover now