Chapter 43:Everything is new to me

Comenzar desde el principio

"Here" I handed her stuff to her and had to wait for her to take the headphones off before she took it from me.
"Thank you" she smiled and I noticed her eyes. They were a striking blue made to stand out even more because of all the thick eye make-up she had on. Her hair was pink, well the bottom half anyway, the other half was blond. And she looked like she'd walked straight out of the eighties.
"Sorry again" I apologised noht really knowing whah else to seh.
"Hey I told you, it was my fault I wasn't paying any attention to where ah was goin"
"Me neither" I shrugged and she laughed.
"You new here?"
"Ma first deh" I admitted.
"Hah mine too" she put one hand on her hip and cocked her head to the side.
"Ah I'm Zen by the way" I offered her my hand suddenly realising I hadn't introduced myself yet.
"Perrie" she shook my hand.
"Ah nice meeting you Perrie" I mumbled and then glanced at my map.
"Hey you also having a hard time finding your way around this place?"
"I'm noht very good at directions" I scratched the back of my neck.
"Where ya headed?" she looked at my map.
"Uhm ah have a vocal class in fifteen minutes"
"Well, whadaya noh that's my class as well!"
"Wanna be lost together?"
"Why noht huh?"

Gia's POV

"Gia!" Laura whispered a little too loudly. I have no idea why she felt the need when we were sitting right next to each other.
"Shhh!" I held a finger to my lips and she nodded.
"What the hell is she saying?" she whispered in a softer tone.
"I have no idea" I whispered back my eyes still fixed on the lecturer.
"No seriously; how is this an English class?"
"Maybe we're supposed to test our English skills" I smirked. The lecturer was Chinese and even though she was animatedly talking and writing on the board, we couldn't understand a thing. Maybeh her Chinese accent was just too far from the thick Bradford accent I'm used to or maybeh her English was bad, buh either way it was like Greek to me.
"I could've signed up for Greek if I wanted this" Laura went on making me supress a laugh.
"She's noht thah bad" I drew the 'that' out in the way Zayn does.
"Yeah she is" she nodded, her ginger hair bobbing up and down. And this time I had to hold a hand over my mouth to keep from laughing.
"Okeh, come here" I picked up a green pen and then reached for her hand. She looked at me weirdleh as I took her hand and started drawing on the back of her wrist. I used a black pen for shading and then handed her hand back to her satisfied with my work.
"Wow, it says Laura" she whispered excitedly.
"I didn't know you could do graffiti"
"Yeah my uh...Zayn taught me"
"Cool, he does graffiti?!"
"Yeah he kinda goht locked up for it too" I mumbled casually knowing she was gonna freak out.
"What?!" she said loudly interrupting the entire class. Everyone turned to look at her, buh she slumped into her chair and since she's shorter than I am no one could see her and everyone looked at meh.
"Is some a ting a wrong?" the lecturer asked and I shook my head unable to speak afraid I'd burst out laughing. Laura on the other hand was bent over cackling silently into her lap.

Zayn's POV

We ended up getting to class on time actualleh. And I was beginning to think thah Perrie was quite nice; full of personality that's for sure. We managed to find seats somewhere in the middle of the class and just kinda blended in. Ah liked it better thah wey. It wasn't a very big class though and once the teacher/lecturer arrived, I was wondering why I hadn't sat at the back.
"Good morning, I'm Samantha Taylor and I'll be your vocal coach as well as Liz Hardy who'll be joining us in a moment"
"Love her hair" Perrie whispered. And I nodded giving her a half smile. I wasn't particularleh impressed by the ledy's hair, buh oh well.
"Me mom's a hairdressor" she explained.
"Nice" I smiled giving her hair another glance. It made sense why she'd be soh daring with it.
"I dip-dyed it meself thoh" she smiled twirling her finger through one of the locks in her hair.
"Looks good, it suits you" I gave her a pleasant smile. It wasn't much of a compliment really, more of an observation.
"Thanks" she smiled happily touchin her hair even more. It was a lot different to the blush and shy smile that I'd usually geht from Gia.
"Any volunteers?" Samantha Taylor asked.
"For what?" Perrie asked in a whisper.
"Dunno" I shrugged. Suddenleh realisin thah the other vocal coach, Liz Something had arrived and we hadn't even noticed. 'Pay attention Malik' I mentally reprimanded myself.
"C'mon guys not-in to be afraid of" Liz coached. She was apparentleh Irish based on mah knowledge of accents.
"We just want to show you a bit about pitch and that, you'll all have a turn in the coming weeks" Samantha smiled, her eyes scanning the class.
"Just c'mere and sing a line or soh for os" Liz went on. They seemed pretty nice, buh I knew from experience thah the longer the class took to respond the less nice they'd become. Couldn't someone just volunteer alreadeh?
"Goh volunteer" Perrie nudged my arm.
"Uh no thanks" I shook mah head.
"Alright you give me no choice" Samantha sighed.
"You over there!" Liz pointed right at meh and I shrunk into my seat. No, no, no, this couldn't be happenin!
"Me?" Perrie questioned standing op and pointing to herself.
"Sure c'mere" Liz smiled and gestured for her to come to the front.
"Thanks..." I mumbled as she squeezed past meh.
"For what?" she looked at me confused. Was she just actin clueless or did she realleh noht realise thah they'd called meh? Either wey I was glad to be still sat in my seat and noht in front of the class. I leht out a sigh and watched as she made her weh to the mic stand. She didn't seem nervous at all and the moment her hands rested on the mic she started singing.

'If I die young bury me in satin
Lay me down on a bed of roses
Sink me in the river at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song'

I'd never heard thah song before, buh listenin to her voice; all ah could think was WOW.

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