8 - Up and Downs

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Texts between Becky and Charlotte.

Hey Becks is it okay if I stay at yours for a while.

Yeah, actually can you come over now.

What's happened?

Me and Colby had coffee together. And then he read my diary and I lost my cool. I'm crying.

I'm on my way.

I don't think I've ever drove so fast to Becky's house. I walk in and try to run up the stairs. I enter her room and she's a crying mess.

"Shhhhh, I'm here. It's okay."

"I fucked up real bad."

"Awww it's okay."

This is becoming a pretty regular occurrence now. Becks crying until my T-shirt is soaked. I'm glad she's being open to me I suppose. After about half an hour I finally ask her about what happened.

"Rebecca, please tell me what happened."

"I wasn't ready to tell him about Randy. He read my diary, he invaded my privacy and I flipped. I was real pissed at him. I also had a panic attack, so I guess he knows about them too now. I just really wasn't ready for him to know."

"That's shit Becks, Colby shouldn't have read your diary, if he wanted to know about your past he should've asked you. It was wrong of him to do this."

"I feel bad for getting mad though."

"Don't be. I would've been livid if I was you and wasn't 12 weeks pregnant."


"Do you wanna just spend the rest of today eating mint choc chip ice cream and watching Disney films."


"Right I'll be back now."

I quickly grabbed the ice cream, Ratatouille and Tangled. I put Ratatouille on first, gotta start with a classic. Quickly climbed into bed alongside Becks. Before opening the ice cream and giving her a spoon. It safe to say we're gonna eat the ice cream before were even half way into the film and I'm not complaining.

I know Ashley would find a way to make me feel better. God I do love this woman, I don't know what I would do without her. I just have to make one observation about the film and that is that this rat can cook.

*Next Day*

Colby x Becky

Hey Colbs, I'm sorry. We need to talk.

I'll be over in 10.

That in no way gives me enough time to get ready. I decide to just wash my hair by using the removable shower head. I call Ashley up to help me put on my jeans and blouse. I quickly do my makeup and then finally dry my hair. Colby comes to meet me upstairs.

"Actually do you mind carrying me downstairs."

"Yeah sure."

I'd been in that room for too long, Okay? We have kinda just been sitting in an uncomfortable silence until I finally speak up.

"Colby you had no right reading any of that. Fair enough if you'd accidentally seen something in there. But why didn't you just ask me."

"Because you would've lied and made up some 'believable' excuse. Why didn't you just tell me"

"I wouldn't have lied and I wasn't ready."

"Yes you would've, you've done it before."

"Doesn't mean I'd do it again."

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