21 - A time before I loved you pt.1

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A/N:Hey everyone, I know I said I was done with this book but I wanted to give you a prequel type chapter and then I promise I'm done :) well I can't promise but you get what I mean! There will be another prequel chapter so yeah enjoy :)
I'm so nervous right now, I signed up for the NXT tryouts on a whim. I've been unprofessionally wrestling for years but the other day I just decided why not sign up, at least I'll know what's what. I'm currently sitting outside trying to sike myself up enough to go inside. A blonde stoped right in front of me.

"Hey you here for the tryouts?"


"Oh you're irish, I'm Ashley by the way come on let's go inside."

She offered me her hand and I took it, she pulled me off the ground and we walked in together.

"What's your name?"

"Oh...um...hey yeah I'm Rebecca but- yeah."

"There's no need to be so nervous."

"How can you be so calm?"

"My dads Ric Flair so I'm calm."

"Ohh right. You definitely going to get in then."

"I hope we both do, you seem alright."

"Yeah, I'm just scared I'm gonna mess up."

"You'll be fine, just keep calm and carry on Becks."

I looked up, only one person used to call me Becks and it was this boy named Luis, proper dickhead. But hey I suppose I could get used to it being used in a nice way.

We both walk into the locker room together, there's lots of other girls there too. It isn't long till we're put in the ring, I get paired up with Ashley so we have more time to talk.

"Right top rope movements ladies show us your best stuff."

Ashley winked at me before going up and doing a backwards moonsault. It was my turn next, I climbed up and Ashley gave me a nod. I took a deep breath before performing a Phoenix dive splash, I got a round of applause. Even though the impact of me hitting the mat made me feel sick, actually getting the dive right replaced every bad feeling I had about today.

"That was really impressive Becks!"

"That's why I was so nervous."

"They'd have to be stupid not to take you now."

*End of the day*

"Right Ladies listen up, some of you today have showed me really impressive skills and I'm proud of each and every one of you and please don't give up if you don't get in today. Now please listen up and if I call your name please step forward. Mercedes Varnado, Pamela Martinez, Ashley Fliehr , Emily Cox and Rebecca Quin. I'll see you on Monday, everyone else I'm really sorry."

I think I'm hyper ventilating, I never ever thought I'd be here. I see Ashley walking towards me with tears in her eyes.

"Becks we're gonna make it! We're actually in the WWE!!"

*July 1st 2014*

I was walking backstage when I ran into a guy I hadn't seen around here before.

"Oh sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going."

"It's alright, I'm Randy. Wanna go get a pizza?"

"Is that even a question!"

We went and ate a pizza and we talked about pretty much everything. Every time he says Becky it fills my stomach up with butterflies. We just walked out of the pizza place together, hand in hand and I can feel myself blushing.

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