14 - Court

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Court, somewhere I thought I would never be.

"Rebecca Quin, what do you plead Guilty or not guilty?"

I took a deep breath before answering.

"Not guilty."

After that I was thrown question after question and I tried my best to answer them.

Finally it was time for the jury to announce there verdict.

"How do you find the defendant, guilty or not guilty?"

"Not guilty of Murder but guilty of man slaughter."

All that was racing around my mind at the time was no. I wanted to scream out but I couldn't, I didn't do anything.

"Rebecca Quin you are being sentenced to 6 years in prison for manslaughter."

One police officer grabbed me to start taking me down to my cell.

"No, please your honour I didn't do anything...please you've got to believe me! I didn't do anything."

I had to scream a little louder as I was pulled down the stairs.


I was quickly put in my cell and for all I know they could've thrown away the key.
For fucks sake, I want to cry. This was all caused by a tragic accident...
A/N: sorry for the super short chapter which probably doesn't make sense to any of you. But I promise it'll all make sense in a few chapters time :)
Giraffe500 xx

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