2 - Aftermath

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I'm awoken by a nurse coming to check Becky's vitals. I check the clock and it's 7 in the morning. I decide to ring Steph, I'm more composed than I was last night.

"Ashley? How's Becky?"

"She's in a coma, the doctor doesn't know if there will be any long lasting damage to her spine or her legs."

"Oh my god that's terrible!"

"I know. I think I'm gonna stay here with her for a few days."

"Of course, keep me updated if any thing changes. Or if you just need a friendly chat."

"Thank you Steph, bye."


And with that the line goes dead. I unlock Becky's phone and call her parents.

"Becky darling, how are you after last night? Was that the script or what? Becky talk to me!"

"Um...Mrs Quin I'm Ashley you might know me as Charlotte Flair, Becky's in the hospital. She crashed her car while driving to the hotel last night."

"Oh my god! How is she, how are you?"

"I'm good, she's in a coma at the moment but I'll keep you updated."

"If she gets worse I'm coming over!"


"Goodbye Ashley."

I slump back in my chair, I take Becky's hand once more. I'm teetering on the edge of having a full blown mental breakdown. I try to distract myself by going on insta but instead I'm reminded of what Becky did last night. I don't want to leave but I know I should probably grab a few things and have another shower. It's only after when I'm on my way back to the hospital my phone gets flooded with texts asking me if Becky is okay. I just switch my phone off and throw it in my bag.

*The next day*

Nattie drove my car over to the hospital and a few of the girls came up to see how Becky was. Obviously I was checked on too. Mercedes (Sasha) even brought me my title with the new side plates, I didn't really want to see it but I said thank you anyway. They stayed for a bit but they all had something more important to attend to, or they had to go back to the arena.

*A week later*

Absolutely nothing has changed. Not even a single twitch. I've got to go to work tomorrow just to defend my title against Alexis (Alexa). I'm bored so I decide to check Becky's phone. She has a million texts. A scroll through to see if there's anything interesting. I get to one and the contact name is 'DO NOT REPLY' I was intrigued so I opened it, it's a bunch of texts from what I assume is an ex, he saying some really messed up stuff about Becky, about stuff he wants to or has already done I'm highly disturbed and go to click away when I see it also says that I'm hiding something from her and she shouldn't trust me. What if this text is what caused Summerslam, without being told to distrust me would she have beat me the way she did? They did get something right though I am hiding something from her. I'm...Pregnant. I don't know why I shouldn't be trusted though. Even after Becky's beat down I'm still pregnant. I haven't told Steph yet because I know I'll have to give up my title. But I'm not going to defend it tomorrow, I'll just say I'm not feeling up to it. Whether I was pregnant or not there is no way I'm defending my title, I need to stay with Becky. But how on earth would this person know that I'm pregnant. I only found out mere hours before Summerslam. You may be wondering how I know I'm still pregnant, well I took another pregnancy test. I notice I've been reading this text chain for about half an hour, I finally click away. I go to exit her messages when I notice a certain Colby Lopez (Seth Rollins) text her.
B=Becky C=Colby
B: Getting Coffee was fun, we should do it again sometime :)
C: Are you sure it was the coffee you enjoyed ;)
B: Shut up, that was a one time thing Colby :D
C: Do you want to go out on Monday after Raw?
B: Sure ;)
C: Yep, you definitely enjoyed more than the coffee.
C: Oh and good luck with your Summerslam match today. I know you'll smash it :)
B: Thanks! See you Monday.
*Monday 11:30pm*
C: Becks where are youuuu? :)
C: You haven't been here, I'm really missing you. Nobody's telling me where you are?
C: I know you're not coming just text me when you get this.
Read 9:00am
C: Typing...
Oh shit, he's gonna think I'm Becky. I know I shouldn't have read there text chain.
C: Becks, where have you been. I've missed you!
B: Colby this isn't Becky, it's Ashley. Becky is in the hospital, literally every one knows that! And before you ask me whether or not she's okay, she isn't.
C: Awww :( That's why nobody wanted to tell me.
B: Quick question, are you and Becks hooking up over coffee?
C: ......
B: You can come to the hospital if you want.
C: I was just about to ask, anyway byeee Ash. See you in like five minutes.
B: Bye.
It didn't take long until Colby was here, he walked in like nothing was wrong. He gave me a flashy smile before handing me some flowers.

"They're for Becks Ash."

"Do you think I didn't realize that? So what's the deal with you and Becky?"


I felt a crimson coloured blush cover my face almost instantly. Me and Becky have always been relatively good friends, but I really don't know what we are to each other. Yes we hooked up over coffee but Becks said that was a one time thing. Do I have feelings for her, yes I do, when I found out that Becky was in the hospital my heart stopped and when I walked in here I almost collapsed! It hurts me so badly seeing Becky this way but I don't even know if she has feelings for me. She said it was a one time thing, what if she really meant it? It isn't until Ash snaps her fingers in my face that I finally answer.

"Well, I don't know. Friends, coffee hookup? Anyway the real question is what is the deal between YOU andBecky."

I managed to turn the heat off me a minute so I could get my emotions in check.

"Well as you probably saw Becky turned heel on me. It was unscripted and I never saw it coming to be honest. But as much as she hurt me I could tell she didn't want to do it. I still care about her so that's why I'm here."

"I don't really know much about Becky but I like her you know?"

"It was the same when I 'fell' for Andra-"

Ash was cut off by the beeping coming from Becky's monitor. It was flashing red and Ashley looked terrified. I pounced out of my seat and I called in any nearby nurses or doctors. They told me and Ash to leave the room. She was tearing her hand through her blonde locks. I think she's crying? I sat down alongside her, we both looked up when we heard a familiar voice. Randy Orton, what the hell is he doing here. I just gathered someone else must be here, that he's visiting someone. I'm still thinking that thought when he sits down next to me. He comes so close to me that I can feel his breath of my neck. I'm taken aback when Randy whispers in my ear.

"Stay the fuck away from Becky!"

"Why's that got anything to do with you?!?"

"She's my girl, not yours so back off!"

And with that he got up and left. I went to follow him but decided it upon it, Ash needs me even if it for me just to sit around and wait with her. I want to ask her to see if she knows anything but once again I decide upon it.

"Are you okay?"

"Do I look okay Lopez?"

She spoke with such a harsh an bitter tone, I let it slide I know she's just worrying about her best friend, I am too. Only when I'm back in silence it hits me, Becky is the one. No matter what Randy Orton says to me he won't be able to keep me away from Becks, I really really like her. When her monitor flashed red my heart stopped again. I sit back in my chair, then forward and then I start bouncing my knee. Ashley gives me a disgusted look and tells me to 'shut up' with her eyes. So I lean forward and place my head in my hands, I hope to god Becky's alright. We've been sitting out here for about half an hour now when what I assume is Becky's doctor walks out.

"She's awake but a bit disorientated. You can go in and see her now."

I just woke up and I've never been so damn scared in my life. I can't feel anything from the waist down. I don't know if it's only temporary, what if its permanent? My life is going to be ruined. A blonde woman walks in, with a tall ish man. They both look at me like they expect me to know who they are.

That's when it hit me, Becky can't remember me...

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