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"Hey Gracie, you know your going to have to go to school but it up to you can bet home schooled are go to school." Demi asked. "duh, how else am I going to have a life that not sitting at mom's house eating potato chip?" I asked her with a stupid face. "well I'm sorry miss. know it all. but do you want to be home schooled or public." she ask kinda of annoyed with me. "I say public because when your home you always lay something off on till the very last second so ya just say." Olivia said out of the middle of nowhere. "What the fuck I always forget your here your always on your phone and the you randomly start to talk to us. But Dems I want to try public school but can i if I don't like can I Switch to home schooling." I said. " yes but you most gave it a month and if you do home schooling no do what Olivia said you like doing go it sis." she said looking me straight in the eye. "Got it sis."

<<<<<<2 weeks later>>>>>>
Today my first day at this new school I'm also started swimming for racers. ( I just took a name of Google I don't know any thing about them.) there okay but I miss my old team and they only do haft the yard I did a day and say it better for me but bull crap I'm a distance swimmer so no it not they don't no the first thing about me!
"Dems I'm ready"i yell upstairs. "okay one second" dems yelled back. "okay 1...2...3...4...5...6 okay it been more than a second come on I don't want to be late!" I yelled.

<<<<<<<<At school>>>>>>>
"I'm coming in with you." dems said getting out of the car. "I'm no your not I don't want to make friends only because you my sister so get back in the car and drive off." I said pushing her in. yea yea I know that was a little rude of me but come on I want to make true friend not those fakes who just like me because of my sister. I walk in to the front door of the school building up to find someone that can show me to the office.
"Hello are you new ?" Some girl about my age asked. "um yea can you so me where the office is by any chance?" I asked her with my hopeful smile " um yea sure what your name by the way" she asked my on the way to the office. "Elizabeth grace Lovato but call me call gracie. what your name?. "Taylor Jauregui. Well her the office I will come up with you if you want me to?" She offered me. "um yea sure thanks."
"Hello how may I help you?" God I hate that voice! the front desk lady asked me. " new my name is Elizabeth Lovato." "well her your times table Taylor Jauregui do you mind showing her around. you guys have all the same class we thought it was go because you both have a lot in common." the front Lady said.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~here you guys go! How do you like Lauren Jauregui from fifth harmony sister being in the book?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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