I love you maddie...

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Gracie lovato and Maddison Delagraza to the office to leave please. I heard over the intercom by the front desk lady.

I went to my locker to get my bag and work from my teacher and head to the office. With no surprise Maddie and Demi where already waiting.

CAR RIDE HOME (demi pov)

We sat in the car quietly with gracie in front passenger sit with maddie behind me. They suck at acting something bad most be going on in there mind and it not shopping ir being "sick".

D- what going on come on you guys suck at acting. Maddie you are not sick and you little girl do NOT NEED TO SHOP IN THE MIDDLE OF SCHOOL.

G- hey I do I need cupcakes for swim Maddison................ EARTH TO MADDIE!

Weird normally when I say she suck at acting she put some short of fight up no mater what.

M- um sorry what going on?

Something going on with MADDIE and its bad I hope she not going through what I did.

G- I asked why demi had to pick us up.

M-ummmm I can't say it she will hate me

She started bawling

D- Maddison lee delagraza I love you no matter what and will alway until the day I die. Are u self harming Maddie?

M- ........yea

*sorry it so short

*** next chapter by Wednesday

Demi little sisterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora