Lost in my thoughs

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I was sitting down stairs with mom, I was helping her pick my event for the next swim meet well not really my coach already pick them I was just reading them off to her.
Event:1 1650 free
Event:3 200im
Event:9 500free
Event:23 200free
Event:29 100fly
Event:36 100 breast
Event:46 1000 free
Event:83 100free
Event:89 200fly
Event:93 200 breast
Event: 103 400im
( if you don't know what theses are look them up on YouTube but not the event and number)
This is going to sucks balls was all I though doing that.
Well Demi taking super long I going to go see what see doing. "dems are you okay?" I yelled up the stairs "yea be down in second!" She yelled. well I'm going back downstairs then. I got on Instagram. posted a self of me ( posted on the top of the chapter)

Gracie_Lovato: sis day with @ddlovato 😜😍

"Ready!" Demi sang on her way down to me.
"No I was never ready, lets go." I said annoyed
We got in the car and Really Don't Care came on the radio and Demi started sing along while I got on Instagram and video taped her sing to her own song.

Gracie_lovato: this song such who would ever want to listen to it? @Ddlovato 😜
I turn my phone off and turn to Demi to talk but my phone just keep going off.
""Aren't you going to get that" Demi asked.
Um yea I said unlocking my phone.

@Demiissexy:why the hell would you say that sing can sing but I bet you sing like dying rat!

@demiisqueen: your just a fat slut that no one care about can you just do use all a favor and kill your self.

@wehategracielovato:see this is just other reason no on like her. please for everyone wait no just Demi go dead in a fucking hold!
Wow that was harsh.
Babe who was it? Dems asked
Um it was just Olivia seeing if she can get a ride this weekend to meet.
Oh okay,well were here and there no paps lets go fast before they find out!" Demi yelled happily!
Um okay I'm ready.

Demi pov-
(1 hour)we were playing 20 questions while we were tanning.

questions 1
"Way you fear to die?" I asked Gracie
Umm probably drowning because think of this head line. Demi lovato little sister that swim die by drowning last weekend.
Well I never though of that and why did she add my name in not apart of her death I would never kill her.

Questions 10
"Do you missed me when I'm gone?" I asked her
Um no absolutely never. Jk love you so dam? She said

Questions 15
Did you like have some alone time with me. I questions her
Of course I do dumb butt. she replied with.

Questions 20
Do you want to move in with me in my house in la?
What about swimming dems?
Calm down you will do this swim meet this weekend then on Monday you will go to swim practice then your coach gave me a team you can swim with ori can get you a private coach and when you visit you swam with your swim team?
"Um wow that a lot of think you done but I need to think to thank um you can go I'm going to call a cab see you to night bye dems" she sad worriedly
Oh okay bye keep a open mind to it please? I said walking away.

Gracie pov:
Wow she really wants me to move to la but I don't think I can pick up my life and move for her that a lot on me I lived here my hold life I have the best friends and most of all the best team. Well I'm going to text Olivia she always know what to say.

G- hey I really need to talk to u

O- k what about we can't meet at my house how about McDonald's by my house

G-um yea see u in 10!

-------------------------------------sorry I hate so much swim practice because of the meet this weekend

Should grace move in with Demi or no.

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