the wreck of the Emily Rose

Start from the beginning

"Indeed, Matilda. I was a bit dense in de 'ead."

"And youse accent still be suckin'"

Issac smiled, but it was a sad smile.

"Well, needless to say, Webster did not agree to go any further and for the remainder of the day, we were loaded into the four dories that were on the deck of the Emily Rose and rowed to shore.

Webster, somewhere in his drunken stupor did agree to allow us most of our personal belongings, after he and his men unceremoniously picked through them and took anything of value. He also allowed us four cattle, a couple sheep and pigs and a dozen chickens. We were also given all our tools and weapons, as they were packed in wooden crates and his men were too lazy to try and open the crates. Although we had to pack them in the dories and they were dumped in about six feet of water, near shore."

Matty was shocked.

"It all sounds so terrible."

"Indeed it were, young Matty, but an even more terrible happening was to unfold

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"Indeed it were, young Matty, but an even more terrible happening was to unfold. One that could have torn the very hearts out of me and my Lydia."

"What could possibly be any worse?"

Bill already knew the answer, but he remained silent.

"There was an altercation between myself and Webster, as I again protested what was happening. Not being a violent man, Webster gave me a thrashing and forced me over the side of the ship into the awaiting dory. I called out to my daughter Elizabeth, but Webster accounted her and would not let her go, informing me that she would be warming his bed."

Nanny Dove stopped rocking and knitting and wiped her eyes.

"It were a terrible time fer sure."

Matty was speechless, she was in such shock.

"But Elizabeth did make it off the ship, did she not?"

Issac stared at Bill.

"That she did William. There was a young deckhand, by the name of Silas. He and Elizabeth had built somewhat of a friendship during our voyage. Apparently he stood up to Webster, even under the threat of death. There was an altercation and this Silas slashed at Webster, cutting him deeply on the arm. He then grabbed my Elizabeth by the waist and dove over the railing of the Emily Rose, into the icy waters.

We watched helplessly from shore as the crew of the Rose shot at the two young people, in the water. They disappeared and we all feared the worst."

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