"Of course not! I promise I will always remember you and I'll come back," Then I smile at him even though my tears continue to fall

He held out his tiny pinky finger

"Promise? "

"Promise," Then I intertwine my little pinky finger at his

We have our pinky promise then my mom called me.

"Mr. Clean this is for you," Then I give my letter to him

"I guess this is our goodbyes," he muttered

Soon we wave at them saying our goodbyes.
"Mom where are we going?" I ask mom curiously

"Somewhere important my dear," mom said softly then smile

"Y/N....." she said softly "Please don't hate me for doing this to you, I don't want your father to know what you really are"
"Mom......is this a Curse Seal? A crystal that is put on someone's body who has a power of curse so it will seal the power,as a result they cannot use their curse power anymore"

"How do you know?"

"And for what use is this syringe?"

I suddenly open my eyes

"Another dream......who the heck is Mr. Clean?"  I muttered

I jump out of bed still in my night clothes then open the door slowly

'Time to sneak at my office hehehehe"

I look at the hallways to see if there's a person roaming around . When I didn't see any, I walk at hallway then down the staircase. I pass the door of mess hall and I can still hear Hanji babbling about her Titans

'Poor Eren'

I continue on walking until Hanji's voice fades. I pass at the kitchen then walk at the long hallway. The moonlight pass through the window that provides enough light in the hallway. I can see the door of my office at the end of the hallway.

'Finally I can finish my mission, once I set something up that is connected at the city beyond the ocean. The Marley Republic will never bother us again.'

Once I reach the door, I get the key at my pocket then insert it in the keyhole,  twist it, then I can hear a click. I open the door then switch the lights on. I close the door then lock it and go to another door which  leads to my bedroom. I open the door then turn on the lights of my bedroom.

'I just hope no one notice the light at my windows.

I enter at my bedroom

"Ugh!  my room is filthy! Never mind!"

I look down and I can see dust on a white tiled floor. I walk towards the bed then push it aside. And I can see a one black colored tile which was supposed to be under my bed. I step on a black tile then I can hear a click sound. The floor behind me move downward forming a stair leading down. I grab my phone from from my pocket then turn it's flashlight on and made my way down the stairs. When I'm at the end of the stair, I can see an iron door. I grab another key to unlock the door. When I open the door, the lights of the room automatically turn on.

'Well.... People here doesn't have knowledge about electricity. Due to knowledge about electricity from the future, I used solar panels because there's no other source of electricity here except sunlight. Then ta-da! I can use my gadgets and lights in my office...  Well....  I also include my secret  room.

I enter inside my secret room. Huge flat screen TV is embedded at center of the wall.  Materials that are needed to assemble into a weapon and gadgets were scattered on the table at the left side of the room. Different weapons and gadgets that are already finished were displayed at the wall on the right side. I go to my table then get a remote and turn the TV on. Now the TV shows multiple scenes on the HQ of Marley Republic. Now I'm watching their every move and even hear their conversation.

'Actually, what I usually do outside the walls is training so I can fully control my powers and study all about our kind. After training I go to the city where Grisha came from. It's so easy to get inside their HQ because their security is very low compared to the future. I put a small camera in all their offices and hallways so I can predict their move.

.......Year 844.........
I sneak inside the office of their president and I can see him talking on the telephone

"Make sure they will get their hands on the coordinate so we can make Paradis Island ours, is that clear Zeke?" He said then end his call

I sit on his table

"So Zeke left just to make sure those kids do their mission," I said while sitting comfortably on his table then cross my legs

The president suddenly look at me

"Who are you?! How did you get in here?! Guar-" His words cut off when I raise my gun, pointing it towards his head while I'm still sitting comfortably on his table

"Chill dude.... Just don't get on my nerves or else your head will be blown up to pieces"

"What do you want?" He ask

"What do I want?.....Well, all I want is for you to leave Paradis Island alone, see? That's easy, and stop turning the Eldians into a Titan just because they disobeyed your foolish rules."

"And if I refuse?"

I open my bag using my other free hand then grab a remote

"Do you know what is this?" I say mockingly while showing him the remote "Well this remote hooked up to multiple explosives I set up in all cities so choose, Leave the Paradis and Eldians alone or....  I'll destroy your lovely place"

"Fine, I'll stop, but what about Zeke and other Titan shifters? Since they are not here I cannot contact them anymore"

"Oh Don't worry I'll take care of them, just make sure you don't do anything stupid," I say monotonously

"OK, so it's a deal?"

"Yeah deal,"

The door suddenly open revealing many guards.

"Surrender now or we'll shoot you," they warn

"Oh hey everybody!" I wave at them with the remote on my hand while my other hand still holding a gun pointing it at the president.

"Don't shoot!!" The president ordered at his guards

"But sir-"

"She will destroy our country once she press that button on her remote, so you better lower your gun before that happens," President explain

They lower their guns as they look at me.

" So now it's all clear, you better stick at our deal cuz I don't want you doing stupid behind my back, I can see your every move even if I'm not here," I lower my gun then put the remote inside my bag then grab a grenade but this grenade is different.

I threw the grenade at them, releasing a thick smoke so it can give me a cover then escape
.......Back to reality .....

After watching I look at my phone and check the time

"Shit! It's 4:00 am, I jump off from my seat then dash off to the door and lock it."

I run up the stairs until I'm now at the old bedroom then step on the black tile to close the secret staircase. I go to my office and turn off the lights then open door of my office and lock it. I went back to my assigned room and do my morning routine.

'I know it's too early but I have to braid my very long hair so it will take a while'

Legend of The Wings of Freedom (Levi x Reader) [[Hiatus]]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora