minju meeting chaewon's parents

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Mrs.Kim: well it's pleasure to meet you k-

Minju:Kim Minju

Mrs Kim: oh another fellow Kim? Nice to meet you minju!

Mr Kim: chaewon you picked a good one!

Chaewon: dad!

Mrs Kim: well dinner's not ready for another hour so you guys can do whatever you want while you wait

Chaewon:come,I'll show you around my room!

*Inaudible walking on stairs noises*

Mr Kim: don't do anything unholy!

Minju: don't worry! We won't sir!

Chaewon:we've already done all that *mumbled*

Minju:your parents seem really nice chaewoniee!

Chaewon:I mean yeah just don't get them on their bad side!

Minju:hmm...well I do know an awful lot about you so I think I'll know what to do if I ever get on their bad side...

Chaewon: you don't know that much...

Minju:you have a beauty mark on your right thigh.


*Runs to the bathroom*

Chaewon:how the hell did you-

Minju:chaewon I've seen in you in your...let's say not the most appropriate momments.

Chaewon:shut up you've tasted me already.

Minju:aaa! Don't talk about it

Chaewon:why? It embarrasses you?

Minju:I never liked talked about 'it'  so I prefer to keep silent.

Chaewon:yeah my parents will love you

IZ*ONE ON CRACK (Book version:) PART 2Where stories live. Discover now