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I wasn't really feeling well, physically and emotionally. So yeah, this was a bit later than the intended weekly update but here it is now . . . Hope you guys like it.

- Hatfield 🙂

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"Say what now?"

She can feel the pair of disbelieving wide green eyes staring at her. It's making her hyper aware so much and a little bit tingly as well. But she ignored it, as much as she has stopped overthinking about it all several minutes ago. She simply allowed herself to just feel.

Camila smirked mischievously. For some unexplainable reason, she's really getting more and more amused by their guest.

"I know you heard me but I'll say it again . . . You can take a shower by the waterfall in the woods. You can go potty there too,"

Of course, she will let Laura the guest clean herself in the bathroom in their house but where's the fun in that. She was already done taking a shower herself and when Laura noticed it, she asked, quite nicely at that, where she can do the same.

In response, Camila told the girl that there's a waterfall in the woods, just a couple of miles from the house. It should be safe because no one ever really goes there because of some stupid myth about banshees eating people alive. Of course, that was quite inaccurate. Every inch of Isla de los Muertos is a nature paradise, but a paradise full of danger in many various forms. Should Laura the guest fall for her trick, she'd be more than willing to follow her in the woods inconspicuously for her safety.

Apparently, the girl has decided to stick around after her private talk with Simona. Camila doesn't really know about how they know each other, what's their story, but she has confidence on the older woman. She knows how she became Simona though she really doesn't know much about the time when Simona was still Simon. The older woman may be problematic at times but through the years, she's proven herself a loyal and fierce friend. She trusts the older woman's judgment and wisdom.

Even if her curiosity is nagging every inch of her.

Camila doesn't also know what exactly prompted her to poke fun at the girl by trying to send her away but she thought it'll be kind of funny to make Laura trek the woods to stupidly look for a waterfall just to take a bath. Or perform the call of nature for that matter in the middle of the forest.

"Don't you guys have a bathroom here?"

Camila did not reply. She simply kept her impassive face on, something she considers herself an expert at, and continued assembling her rucksack of supplies. But deep inside she's holding back an amused laugh at how conflicted Laura's reaction was.

She doesn't do things like this. Mess around just for the fun of it. If she messed around, there's always an intent to cause more harm. She never amuse herself like this, but something about Laura the guest makes her do something so uncharacteristic of her.

Makes her feel things she can't put an actual word into.

Or to put it more bluntly, Laura the guest simply makes her feel. Something that she barely remembers of having any, because for years, she mostly felt numb. And she only met the girl at the break of dawn of that same day, so sue her if she doesn't know how to behave herself around the girl.

"Yes, we do. We have a bathroom upstairs and another one at the back,"

Dinah suddenly barges in, sweaty from all the exertion of cleaning up a murder scene in the tavern, "You can use one, I'll use the other. You can take your pick,"

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