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Disclaimer: is my name Rick Riordan? No. The only things I own in this story are Milo and the plot. You should already know this!

Trigger warning ⚠️

Nico POV
Nico stayed by Will's side for weeks. Each day went the same. Will would try to deny the fact that he was bedridden, protest a lot when he was told to eat, and end up freaking out and having to be sedated. Austin and Brandon said he was just woozy from the pain, but Nico wasn't sure. Something was off.

He had also gotten visits from the 7, who were growing increasingly worried about Will.

"Nico, you have to go outside sometime." Austin said one day, noticing the boy's pale complexion, and the dark circles under his eyes.
"I'll go outside when Will gets better." He replied.
Austin sighed. "That could be weeks away. You need at least 10 minutes of sunshine a day so you can get all the healthy vitamins."

"Alright, alright! 10 minutes." Nico muttered, and slowly walked outside. The sun was warm on his face, and he raised his head ever so slightly towards it. He wondered why he always felt so cold.
"Nico! I haven't seen you in weeks!" Jason said, coming up behind him. "How's Will?"
"Will is... well he's not okay. But we hope he's getting better."
"Yeah... Imperial gold stab wounds suck." Jason looked at Nico worriedly. "When's the last time you ate? Or slept? Have you even left the infirmary since Will first lashed out?"

"I- no. Will's more important."

Jason groaned. "Why? Why are you two so cute? It's not good for you to not eat or sleep. But I... I kinda want to see more Solangelo! Ugh!"

Nico laughed. "Solangelo? The Hades do you mean?"

"It's your ship name. Solace and Di Angelo. Solangelo. It means Sun Angel."
Nico blushed. "I- we aren't together."
"Not yet you aren't."
"You're insufferable."
"I know."

Nico sat down on a bench (A/N benches are awesome. So are skittles.)

Jason sat next to him, and started fiddling with a stray thread from his orange Camp Half-Blood shirt.
"Jason?" Nico asked, softly.
"Can I ask you something?"
"You just did!" Jason crosses his eyes and laughed. "Sorry, go ahead."
"Is it wrong to be, you know, gay?" Nico blushed and looked down.

Jason's electric blue eyes softened. "No. It's not at all."

Nico sighed in relief. "It's just... never mind."

He put is head back and closed his eyes, soaking up the vitamin D that Austin had recommended. "Has it been 10 minutes yet? Since we started talking?" He asked Jason.
"Nearly. Why?"
"Austin said that I could go back after 10 minutes."
"Ah." Jason nodded.

Nico opened his eyes and looked around camp. He squinted his eyes, and just made out a figure on the top of the hill. "Hey Jason, who's that?" He pointed.
Jason squinted his eyes. "I'm not sure. Let's go see, it might be a new camper. Do you have your sword on you?"
Nico nodded. He'd recently found out he had a Stygian Iron sword, and weirdly enough, he knew how to use it. "Always."
"Good." Jason said. "We may need to defend ourselves." With that he got up and started walking up the hill.
Nico followed Jason. He couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was about to happen. This person (if it even was a person) had a strange... what was the word. Aura?

The duo reached the top of the hill.

"Styx" Jason cursed and pushed Nico behind a tree. "That son of a gorgon. Nico, stay here." He commanded, and drew his gladius.
Nico frowned. "Who is it, Jason?" He asked.

Jason POV (well kinda)
"He's back" was all Jason responded. That stupid guy. He was finally seeing Nico happier! Having his painful memories erased was a good idea of the gods. He made sure Nico wasn't going to come out from behind the tree, and then he went to face the new old-comer.

"What in Zeus' name are you doing out of Tartarus, Milo?" Jason growled.

(A/N) welp! Here's the next part. Sorry it took a while to come out. And it's kinda short again. I do Apollo-gise.

Thing is though, school is starting up again so Yeah.

- Lia 🦋

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