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Aphrodite POV
Oh dear. This wasn't meant to happen. Not to my OTP. Oh, they were so cute together! Poor Will. I have to do something!

Will POV
Oh no. Oh no no no no no. Please.
Kayla reaches over and hugs me. I lean into her embrace and start sobbing.
"Hey. It's ok. He's not in pain anymore. It's ok."
It's all my fault. My magic wasn't strong enough.
"I'll leave you alone for a sec. I have to go alert Chiron." Kayla walks out of the surgery room.

"Oh, Neeks. Death boy. Please come back. I love you too. I've always loved you. Please, I'm begging you. Wake up and laugh at how much I'm crying. Call me sunshine or a sap I don't care just come back! I need you, Hazel needs you. When I find the person who made you feel like you should... cut, I will kill them! They are the one who should die. Gods, Nico. Why did it have to be you? You went through so much. You didn't deserve that, you deserve a happy life. With peace. And I'm selfish enough to want to be the person to make you feel safe and happy. Just please, Nico. Come back. For me."

I pick up Nico's now lifeless body, and brace myself for what I'm about to face. I then walk out of surgery, carrying Nico, and face the seven. They must hate me for not saving him.

"Oh my gods. Nico." Annabeth whispered, clutching Percy tightly.
"NICO! Please no please no be pretending please!" Percy screams. Annabeth bursts into tears and together they sink to the floor.

"This is not funny man! Nico, dude please get up. It's not cool to joke about this stuff!" Leo yells. I think he's in denial.

"It is a joke, right?" Frank says. I sadly shake my head. Hazel and Piper run out of the room, sobs so loud that Nico probably heard them from Elysium. I'm certain he went there. How could he not.

Frank runs out after Hazel. That just leaves Jason. I think Reyna left to go cry in private. She does that a lot lately, as she can't cry in public in case it 'ruins her reputation'. In some ways, I understand.

Jason just stands there. Then, he holds out his arms, as if asking to hold Nico. I oblige.
"He's so thin and small." Is all he says.
It's true. Nico is unhealthily thin, and has always been short. He probably hasn't been eating. We stand in silence for a while.

"I don't blame you, you know." Jason says after a few minutes.
"You did your best to save him. He really loved you, you know. Couldn't shut up about it. And from what I've seen, I think you loved him too. It just sucks that it never grew into something more."

Aphrodite POV
Yes. I couldn't agree more

Will POV
"I'm so sorry. I have to go speak to Chiron." I say.

"I'm going to KILL whoever made him do this!!" Jason suddenly screams. Startled, I take Nico out of his arms and lay him down on one of the beds. I steer Jason towards a chair, and make him sit down.
He starts hyperventilating.
"I'm so MAD right now! He didn't deserve *breath* this!" He says, breath becoming shorter.
"Jason, you need to calm down. Take deep breaths. We need to go to Chiron. Only with his help we can find who the cause was. Ok? Don't make me admit you overnight, your breathing is highly irregular right now."

And with that, Nico's body disappeared into the shadows.

What the hell??
"We need to go to Chiron. NOW." Says Jason.

(A/N) I'm sorry this was badly written. I just thought people would want to know the sevens reaction, as I normally do when a character dies.

I know, I'm a strange child.

Sorry the chapters I have written are so short! I will try my hardest to make them longer. And I will not update regularly. Sorry about that.

I hope you are enjoying so far!

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