"Yeah pretty much" lied Arjun

"So there is nothing more to think about it? You don't have feelings for her do you?" Nikhil asked again

"tch, no nikhil I dont feel anything for her" lied Arjun. He didn't want to admit his feelings because he didn't know if she felt the same way. 

Dev suddenly removed his headphones and opened his eyes and said, "Nikhil bhai, Arjun bhaiya doesn't seem to love bhabhi, but come one, you've always liked her right? I think you and her can give it a try now"

"what!" Arjun spat out, Diya with Nikhil, disgusting

"Are you stupid, bhabhi hai woh teri!" Arjun spat out again

"Bhabhi thi and anyways this marriage was never real to you, so what should be the problem?" Nikhil asked

"I-I'm just saying that from what I know of Diya, you may not be the perfect fit for her" Arjun stuttered

"See when we saw Diya with you, we thought she might be the perfect fit for you but clearly that wasn't the case, it's not always how we think Arjun" Nikhil imparted his knowledge knowing very well that he was annoying Arjun. 

"See if you don't have feelings for her then you shouldn't have a problem with me making a move on her right?" Nikhil pretended, "Unless ofcourse, if you have feelings for her I can back off" nikhil added

Arjun was in a fix. He couldn't reveal that he had feelings. He abruptly got up, "I have some work, I need to go" he said and left. Aman, dev and Nikhil grinned to each other. 

Nikhil got Divya's message, it mentioned that her and DIya were reaching in a few moments. Nikhil got up to execute the second part of his plan. Convincing Diya to tell Arjun that she wouldn't be drinking water from his hands today. 

Meanwhile Ajith followed Arjun and took him along some place else so he wouldn't bump into Diya or Nikhil. 

Nikhil quickly ran out towards the Haveli. He saw Diya and Divya and stopped them. "Oh Diya, hi, hi, I actually had some work with you" Divya got the signal and walked away. 

"Yeah nikhil?" Diya asked confused

Nikhil thought for a minute, he didn't know what excuse to give then, it struck him suddenly and he screamed, "Button! yeah my button, it broke and this is my favourite shirt, can you please fix it for me? Arjun told me you're really good at fixing buttons" Nikhil said cheekily

Diya widened her eye and found it slightly weird. Arjun discussed her 'button fixing' capabilities with others? But she agreed to fix his button and took him to her room. Meanwhile Aman and Dev followed them discreetly. 

Aman called up Arjun as they stood in front of Diya fixing Nikhil's button. Aman then pressed video call instead, Arjun picked the call up and was bothered to see Diya fixing Nikhil's button. 

Nikhil at that moment screamed, "aa" making sure that he was audible to Arjun and that he and Diya were visible to Arjun, Diya who didn't know that all of this was a set up, apologetically and concernedly, rubbed the part of Nikhil's shirt that she thought she had poked. "It's okay it's okay Diya, actually I had to talk to you about something"  nikhil said and that moment Aman switched video call to normal call and told Arjun that he had called accidentally, hanging up right there. 

Diya a little confused by what was happening thought that maybe it was just because she hadn't eaten anything , she went to the cupboard to bring something else. That's when Diya's phone rung, it was Arjun, Nikhil swiftly picked it up, "yeah how can I help you?" he said to Arjun

"Nikhil what the fuck are you doing here, give DIya the phone" Arjun snapped

"Oh actually, Diya is busy at the moment but I'll ask her to call you, okay, tata bye" Nikhil said before hanging up

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