First Point: The Concepts and Poison Ivy

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The Concept of Suicide makes herself at home


[A/N Have you all ever wondered what exactly happened when Sue first visited Sajin's apartment?]

Even though she could have easily entered the apartment without using the front door she decided against doing so. She thought it better to be respectful towards her new Master.

Although she was technically breaking in…

She was currently dressed in her "work uniform" which comprised of her wearing a pure white kimono. Her katanas were on her back and she was wearing white sandals.

Beautiful and alluring.

She gave off this feeling to anyone who saw her. Or, more accurately, to anyone whom she chose to reveal herself to.

She was a concept that was too abstract for human understanding, and yet, too logical for humans to question it. She represented the killing intent that humans would willingly use upon themselves. She was The Concept of Suicide.

"Now, what to expect," The Concept of Suicide said in an apathetic tone.

She grabbed the handle of the door with a slight feeling of anticipation. This was the room of her Master, Sajin Hisato. She could feel some of his residual energy displaced around it.

Room 704 in this apartment complex.

She was not completely sure when Sajin would be discharged but she could at least be sure that it would be in a few days.

Clearly enough time to make herself at home.

She twisted the handle and pushed open the door. Thoughts were occupying her head as she ran multiple scenarios of what to expect inside the apartment. It made her a little excited, but also nervous at the same time.

She then entered the apartment.

"I'm home." She attempted to sound excited as she entered the home. Her voice had remained apathetic and her face expressionless.

It was the thought that counted.

Nope, this sounds depressing, she thought and then clasped her hands together and focussed.

Her body was then wrapped in a faint glow and when it had dissipated her appearance had changed. She was now dressed in a casual large white shirt and shorts. She wore flip flops now but had taken them off and set them aside.

"I'm ho~me!" She yelled frivolously and did a pose to emphasize her entrance.

Her expressions and voice sounded more emotion-filled and approachable. They no longer carried the detached feeling.

Yep, she thought. Nailed it!

Surprisingly enough, as she scanned the house, there was nothing out of the ordinary. A living room/bedroom, kitchen and bathroom. Nothing stood in this normal apartment. It was clean and properly looked after. There was food in the kitchen. The bed was made. He had running water. The carpet was cleaned. His clothes were neatly folded and there wasn't a dirty magazine found anywhere. The cupboard under the television only had lightnovels and classical literature.

"I-is he really the average guy?" Sweat gathered around her forehead as her eyebrows twitched. She was completely taken aback by the fact that she had found nothing "unique" in the room.

She then threw herself on the bed in an exhausted manner. The bed creaked because of the force that she had thrown herself at it. She sighed and then threw up her arms in resignation.

Abstract Concepts: Black Heart's PerceptionWhere stories live. Discover now