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Perspective is such an easy thing to manipulate.

In this world there is an unnecessary large number of people. All with their own unique story of where they belong in the world and why they exist. Too many disconnections in communication, expression, understanding and relating to others. What connects us all together is a perspective we can all agree on, but that in itself is also a lie.

No one can believe in exactly the same thing because we are all taught differently.

Take two newly-born babies for example.

They have yet to discover anything of this world and this is what makes us give a them the term "innocent". They lack the knowledge required to comprehend things meaning their ability to perceive things on their own is still lacking.

The information they need is in our hands. These babies are itching to learn what we are withholding from them.

Give them both a cup. Tell the one its white in colour and tell the other its black in colour. This can go on until it is ingrained into their minds. They could even go their entire lives believing in this blissful idea.

After the process is complete put the both of them in one room with the cup and ask them what colour it is. The one will say it is " white" while the other will argue that it is "black". The question you would ask yourself in the situation would be "Who is right?"

Some will say the first, some will say the second and some will say that the answer is both. What does that teach you?

How easy it is to manipulate perspective.

If people believe that they are telling the truth they can't be telling a lie right? This case just shows a clear example of this. Another fact is that not everyone reading this will come to the same conclusion. The same story can be interpreted a countless number of times and can equal the number of people reading it.

That's just how the world works. We could just say that it is Impossible for humans to all agree on the same perspective because our perception is different. We strive for individuality instead of teamwork like we were suppose to. Selfishness is a part of us.

As much as there are people who try to work and get along with most people, there are also people who prefer solitude. That is just what was built inside of us. Something hardwired into our bodies.

It was imprinted into our nature.

Abstract Concepts: Black Heart's PerceptionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum