Chapter 2: Abstract Concepts

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Sajin had wasted no time as he jumped after Hanako.

"I love you too, idiot!" He screamed from the top if his lungs. The moment he had done so he felt his heart become lighter.

Those were the words he had wanted to tell her for a long but they always seemed to be stuck at his throat. Now he had finally said how felt to the person he loved.

But she was about to die.

And so was he.

He didn't want it to happen like this but there was nothing he could do.

There was nothing he could do at all.

"Do you really believe that?"

Sajin blinked for a moment when he had suddenly heard a voice. When he looked around himself he realised that he wasn't falling anymore.

He was standing on the roof of the school building.

That wasn't the only thing that was strange about this.

Everywhere that Sajin could see had no real colour. All of it was in shades of grey. He couldn't hear anything at all except for his own breathing and his body didn't feel like a physical thing that he could touch. It felt to him as if he was in a different world. A world that lacked... Everything.

He immediately ran towards the edge of the building and took a look down. The scene below took him even more by surprise.

He saw himself and Hanako still in midair. He had his hands outstretched to Hanako in hope that she would be able to grab him. Hanako was less than a metre below him with one of her hands stretched towards him. It was like everything was frozen in time. Their facial expressions were stuck along with everything else in this frozen space.

"... What's happening?" He muttered to himself. His mind just couldn't wrap around the concept of what was happening.

"Don't think too hard about what's happening, you won't understand things like these that are meant to be beyond comprehension." Said a voice. This was the second time it spoke to Sajin. From what he could tell it was the voice of a women.

"Who are you?!" He yelled as he turned around. After scanning the area for the voice he still hasn't seen it. He was beginning to wonder if the voice was coming from his head. The confusion from his situation was getting worse but he quickly managed to calm down after letting out a sigh.

"Show yourself." He said. He had come to the realization that stressing and panicking wasn't going to help him.

In that moment, like a ghost, something materialized in front of him.

It was a girl. She had appeared in front of him with a small smile on her face.

It was as if the area she came from distorted the air in front of him and she stepped through it to arrive. If she had told Sajin that she was a ghost he would have easily believed her.

She was extremely beautiful.

She looked no older than him  and was dressed in a white kimono. From her formal posture she must have been a head shorter than him. Her hair was straight at shoulder length. It was so pure white it was as if her head was covered in snow. Her bangs almost covering her eyes. Her eyes were round and full of wonder. Her irises coloured a light shade of gray.

What he had also noticed was the handles of two weapons on her back. From what he could see they were most likely swords. Even those handles were completely white.

"Who... Are you?" He asked after a few moments of complete silence.

"I have no name of my own but as an ethereal being I represent an abstract concept. The concept of Suicide. Pleased to meet you, Sajin Hisato." She said in a monotone voice but was smiling nonetheless.

"Suicide?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Do not think too much on it. It will be revealed as our conversations develop in due time. There is a more important task at hand, no?" She said suggesting the situation Sajin was currently in.

Sajin turned to look down at Hanako again. She had a smile on her face as she looked at him.

It pained him to see her in such a position. He wanted to help her no matter what.

The space he was currently in.
The strange girl who calls herself Suicide. The fact that he was unable to explain all of it.

It was all irrelevant.

All that matters to him was if Hanako was going to be alright. For that, he was willing to sell his soul to the devil himself. He was even willing to give up his humanity.

"I'm here to offer you a deal."

"What kind of deal?"

"You have the strongest affinity to awaken "The Eyes" I'm looking for. Work for me and I'll save your lover."

"The Eyes?" Sajin repeated while giving her a confused look.

"Specifically 'Black Hearts Perception'."

"... What guarantee do I have that you're not lying to me?"

"You don't." She gave a small smile.

A girl dressed completely in all white that calls herself Suicide is offering me a way to save Hanako who was about to commit suicide? There are so many things wrong with this. But if I can save Hanako -

"... I... I accept." Sajin realized there was no point in turning back anymore.

"... I see. Well then, I look forward to working with you." She said then snapped her fingers. "Master."

In that moment Sajin's vision blurred and then blacked out. His head felt dizzy but what bothered him was the tingling sensation in his eyes.


When Sajin opened his eyes again everything was moving in a blurry motion. His body felt heavy and his memory was clouded.

"Heart rate is normal."

"Breathing is stable."

"Check for any physical injuries we might have missed."

"How much time before we arrive at the hospital?!"

"In ten minutes or so!"

From the constant shaking and the voices he heard he had come to the conclusion that he was in an ambulance van. He tried to open his eyes but they felt extremely heavy. His body was also beginning to feel extremely comfortable as he drifted deeper into sleep.

Only one thought was running through his mind:

I hope that Hanako is alright...

Abstract Concepts: Black Heart's PerceptionWhere stories live. Discover now