Chapter 12: Fear/Nightmare

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Sumiyuri P.O.V

"This boy is so much fun!" I exclaim as I dance around the basement of my house.

Mr. Grey Eyes here is tied to a chair with a vacant look in his eyes. It happens to everyone I use the ability of The Eyes on so I can't complain about him not listening to me.

It has been a week since I had started strolling up and down the city on the lookout for someone else to find. Believe it or not, they are actually a rare bunch of people. The easiest way to identify them is their eyes. The stranger the better.

Just when I was about to give up on finding one I accidentally bump into him. He knocked me over and was still nice enough to help me up. If he didn't have The Eyes I might have actually not have captured him...

... Just kidding!

I just don't feel like killing him now.

[Master, I don't believe this is a time to be entertained about this...]

"What do you mean?" I ask tilting my head.

[He still hasn't been broken, yet...]

I didn't mention earlier but on top of everyone I pass I see colourful vases. These vases represents a person's mentality. If I use Limbo on them then the vases crack along with their minds.

"... I see..." I said after looking at his vase. There wasn't even a slight crack on his vase. "How many times has he seen his fear so far?"

[He's experiencing his 1052nd right now, Master but the results are the same. He still gets emotional after each one and goes into a raging fit.]

"What's the highest anyone has gone before breaking down?"

[Nine, Master...]

"Nine?! This guy is mad!"

How can this man still keep his sanity after see his worst fear after a thousand times? Is he even human?

I actually think that I like him...

[What will you do now, Master?]

"Lemme think.... Hmmmm...." I brought an index finger to my lip and began to ponder what exactly I should do.

After a few minutes an idea flashed.

"I know! I know!" I yelled while clapping my hands in glee. This person is really making me excited.

I turned off Limbo so that I could speak.

"Gah!" He immediately threw up all his insides as his eyes went back to their normal state. He started to cough continuously for a while before he settled down and started to look around to see where he was, continuously blinking so that his eyes could adjust to the darkness.

To my home.

"Hello there. Nii-chan!" I greeted with the best smile I could show him. Perfect for playing the littl sister role.

He glanced over at me and scanned me from head to toe.

"You're the one that captured me?" He asked. His voice sounded extremely cold.

I kind of liked it.

"Sumiyuri Dakota. At your service!" I saluted him as my cheeks turned pink.

[Does Master have a crush on him or something? ]

"And what if I do? You have a problem with that?"

[No never Master! I just didn't want Master to be unsure and become sad if this love is unrequited.]

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