Chapter 16: Fearful Eyes(Sajin's Story pt. 1)

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There's a saying that when your die you entire life flashes before your eyes. Your brain pushes itself to the limit and scans through you're memories in search for a way for you to survive dying.

It is you're brain's way of trying to escape the reality of what is happening before you're eyes.

I've always wondered if the same would apply to blind people but I wouldn't know.

Anyways, for a fact I can say that this is not true. My eyes had opened when Grimm Reaper had swung her scythe to my body.

It is a fact that your brain does go through your memories in a split second. But it only goes through your most precious memories.

4 years ago...

Haruhiro Hisato was a proud martial artist. Being a thirteenth generation head he knew there were a lot if responsibilities that also came a long with it. He practiced to the best of his ability and became the best in his district and the age of sixteen. This earned him the name "Hungry Wolf" amongst the family. His distinctive feature being the wolf tail he tied his hair to. It always looked wild and feral, hence the name. He was a talent that never seemed to disappoint, now it was more than 20 years later.

He had gotten married to the love of his life and had gotten two children, a boy and a girl. It's suppose to be two children but the village only knows about the seven year old daughter, Nanami Hisato. The son, Sajin Hisato, has never been heard from ever since he was born. A mystery that had been forgotten by the village a long time ago that no one even speaks about anymore. It had become a sort of village rule that no one even questioned or spoke about anymore. Haruhiro had become very aware of this.

"Honey?" A voice spoke to Haruhiro. It was his wife, Teruko Hisato.

They were sitting in the kitchen having dinner. Around the table was Haruhiro, his wife Teruko and his daughter Nanami.

"Yes, dear?" He answered without looking directly at her. His eyes were closed as he silently ate his dinner. Nanami was happily eating using her hands instead of chopsticks, meaning her face, clothes and hands were covered in food.

"... You've kept him down there for thirteen years now..." She spoke hesitantly as she kept glancing between the food and her husband. Still hesitant, she continued. "Isn't it time we..."

"Time we what?" He asked sternly.

"... Time we... Let him... Out...?" The moment she said it she knew she had made a mistake.

"-!" In less than moment, his sword was drawn and pointed at her throat. It was so close that if she swallowed any saliva than she might cut herself.

Nanami hadn't noticed the movement and continued eating, blissfully unaware of the situation.

Haruhiro still hadn't opened his eyes and was holding the sword in one hand as he ate with the other.

"He's been kept in that cage since he was able to walk. Now that the guilt is eating you away you think you have the right to try and fix it? You're a horrible mother for even trying. Don't forget why we had put him there in the first place."

He voice was sharp and carried a large amount of weight. In a swift movement, his sword was back in its sheath as quickly and as quietly as when it was drawn. Not a single movement wasted in his actions.

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